Does the server script run first or does the game asset load first?

until #IsLands:GetChildren() == IsLandCount

Should I use like this?

The game assets will load first, when using a server script.

Note that this isn’t true when using a local script.

That can be consuming on memory and isn’t good for performance, to figure out if assets are loaded you can use ContentProvider service. Here’s an example:

local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")

local LOGO_ID = "rbxassetid://658743164"
local PAGE_TURN_ID = "rbxassetid://12222076"

local decal ="Decal")
decal.Texture = LOGO_ID

local sound ="Sound")
sound.SoundId = PAGE_TURN_ID

local assets = { decal, sound }


print("All assets loaded.")

I added a new example from the documentation because I thought it explained better.

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