Does the timing on this piece work?

Hello people of the forums, this is my first post here so I’m excited to see what it’s like.

I just made a new piece, experimenting with a few new things including the timing. I’m here to get a second opinion on if that Idea really turned out.

Intended to be used on the main menu screen of a space/ sci fi game.

Sorry about all of the dead space after the song, I had some muted prototypes that I didn’t delete.

Made on garage band.

If you are going to use this somewhere, please credit me if you can.

Edit: Timing isn’t the only form of criticism i’m looking for, you are welcome to talk about whatever is on your mind here.


This just sound so good, gives me Mass Effect and Interstellar vibes…

I think it’s good as it is, it’s relaxing, perfect for a main menu

If you need more ideas on what to do next I have the perfect soundtrack for you:

It’s a piano tutorial for Interstellar’s soundtrack, it’s perfect, good luck!

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Ah yes, interstellar. This sounds like the kind of thing I try to go for. Thank you for the reply and feedback, Im glad you like it.

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Where? That’s too broad. It sounds like it’s a relaxing forest in the year 5060.

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I was generally thinking about a game where you own your own space ship and explore planets freely. The song is supposed to capture a feeling of sci fi discovery and expansiveness, and still be mellow.

So for the where, just anywhere in space or with a sci fi vibe. Its not really anywhere specific, I was just trying to make it feel a bit expansive.
(I don’t have an exact idea of what the game itself will be, so I’m giving you this kind of unspecific answer)

The song does not sound at all like that to me. It’s almost like it’s missing that part. I think you need more instruments to accomplish that feeling.

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I think I might still be finding a way to describe it

Some extra instruments and making it longer still might help regardless, I did feel like something was off with the vibe before I posted it here.

Thanks for your time and feed back

If there’s gonna be space battles put rock music (it’s perfect)

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Looks like it’s an entire layer of pads, it could work but has more potential if you can add more elements. I only complain the slightly too powerful bass. To add more space, a reverb could work…

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