Does the viewmodel have to match up with the real player's arms?


I’ve had this question for a while now, and I would like some opinions on it. Do the viewmodel arms have to match up with the real player’s arms? (by match up, I mean have the same position and orientation)

If the player is hiding behind a wall and the player’s real arms are peeking out from the side, the client won’t know that and then the enemies might shoot the player’s arms.

What if the player and enemy are on different heights. The player will be looking up to the enemy, but the enemy won’t know that if the player’s real arms aren’t pointing up either.

How about bullets/bullet tracers? If the gun in the viewmodel doesn’t match up with the real players arms, then how will someone decide if the bullet should come out of the viewmodel gun or the real gun. If the bullet comes out of the viewmodel gun then to the other players it will look strange. however, if it comes out of the real gun then the bullets with look weird to the client.

So should the viewmodel gun match up with the real gun? And how would one accomplish this?

It’s up to your personal preference. Its not needed to have them match up since there isnt many big issues that can result from this.

I think this should be in #help-and-feedback:scripting-support