Does this count as gore?

I was wondering if this counts as gore, and my game wouldn’t get taken down because of it.

im talking about the dummys that i made.

I dont think it will count as gore because its not blood or human body parts with blood spitting out of it.

Obviously yes, putting an npc in a blender and when you activate it the blood and his body falls apart. it may be counted as gore…

but theres a game called neighborhood war thats has alot of gore…

soo… idk if your game may get banned or taken down, But it depends on how Roblox sees it


thanks for telling me, i will remove them.

“Blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence”

I disagree with the following users stating this is gore. If the red blocks are resembling blood this is not gore. Gore is extreme and detailed. Take a look at the horror based Roblox games for real Roblox Gore… and considering your possible “blood blocks,” is not realistic and won’t make your game audience squeamish.
DenseMelon, Well made game, nice job!


It really depends on how roblox sees it, you should probably try to stay on the safe side though. (also on an unrelated note, you spelt literal wrong)

haha didn’t even realize it! thanks for telling me

Roblox do allow (even gore) up to a certain point, so even if it is considered gore it should be fine.

You should be alright, I’ve seen worse. Like how they say though, if you’re not sure then don’t do it.

You should be fine, however I wouldn’t submit the game for xbox, just in-case.

also if you want to play the game, here you go: A Literal Blender - Roblox

Not gore, you’re find my game has puddles of blood so you’ll be alright. Also cool game btw.