Does this icon look fitting for a gameshow, Wipeout?

Hello there! I have been working on an upcoming gameshow called Wipeout, where 24 contestants gather together to become one of the champions of the biggest obstacle course ever in Roblox. I have been coming up with some of the game icon ideas and I was wondering if this would fit into the game setting? If you could leave some feedback, it’ll be most likely taken into favor and renovated. Thanks! :smile:


Love the idea,Why is there a W here

The lower part of the image seems weird.

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the water looks too much like an overlay (because it is), I suggest making it fit in more.

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It’s a part of the obstacle that’s featured.

Here’s another reference:

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I suggest you simplify it, keep in mind that game icons will be about a half or a third the size of this when the player sees it.

Specifically I think you should make the background a little more hazy because it makes it difficult to focus on what really matters. I hope your game turns out well :smiley: