Does this look like the tower defense lobby if so what can we change?

Hello, we are wondering if this map looks similar to the tower defense lobby, it was created by @Cryptic_Sync, we will appreciate all comments given.


I’d say it definitely looks heavily inspired by Tower Defense, but it could probably pass as acceptable. Maybe try adding something to make it a bit different, but idk.

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This looks amazing! Great work.

My Recommendations would be to fill up the space but not too much. And maybe add something to the middle of the sign on the top so its not fully blank??

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Thank you for your response but do you think it looks like the tower defense lobby?

Tbh, a lobby like this will look similar to the Tower Defence lobby. Doesn’t mean it’s wrong to do something similar tho.

That lobby is very common style, and just because it looks similar to Tower Defence’s lobby, it doesn’t really have a negative impact on my opinion. If i were to play this game with the lobby and after some time of playing, i would be like, ‘oh this reminds me of Tower Defence’s lobby’ and that’s about it. I would’t think negatively about it.