Does this scene comply with TOS?

I was wondering if I scene I made for a game abides by Roblox’s Community Standards since I’m unsure if this could be considered self-harm or too graphic. No blood-depicting effects are present in this scene.

For context, the player is stabbed in the chest by an enemy.
The player then pulls the sword out of their chest

I tried searching the DevForums and the Roblox Community Standards for answers, but I feel this is a pretty specific question.

Any help is appreciated!


I don’t see any issues with the game, but I would suggest you make the game’s age limit to 9+ since it is still using a weapon and is still stabbing.
Try adding some dialogue into the cutscenes so it makes sense, instead of the character stabbing with no context.

thank you for the reply. i am aiming towards making the game 9+ and there is dialog in the scene, i just cropped the screenshots since i don’t want to spoil the game when it’s not released to public.