Does this script have viruses?

Hello, I wanted you to help me with something. What happens is that I have been looking for / creating a gravity script for R6 characters, but was unsuccessful, so I decided to search the toolbox for a free model, but according to my plugins the model I took contains viruses in the following script:

r = game:service("RunService")

Tool = script.Parent

local equalizingForce = 200 / 1.2 
local gravity = .75 

local ghostEffect = nil
local massCon1 = nil
local massCon2 = nil
local myCharacter
local myPlayer

local head = nil
function recursiveGetLift(node)
	local m = 0
	local c = node:GetChildren()
	if (node:FindFirstChild("Head") ~= nil) then head = node:FindFirstChild("Head") end 

	for i=1,#c do
		if c[i].className == "Part" then	
			if (head ~= nil and (c[i].Position - head.Position).magnitude < 10) then 
				if c[i].Name == "Handle" then
					m = m + (c[i]:GetMass() * equalizingForce * 1) 
					m = m + (c[i]:GetMass() * equalizingForce * gravity)
		m = m + recursiveGetLift(c[i])
	return m

function onMassChanged(child, char)
	print("Mass changed:" .. child.Name .. "    " .. char.Name)
	if (ghostEffect ~= nil) then
		ghostEffect.force =, recursiveGetLift(char) ,0)

function UpdateGhostState(isUnequipping)

	if isUnequipping == true then
		ghostEffect = nil
		if ghostEffect == nil then
			local char = Tool.Parent
			if char == nil then return end
			ghostEffect ="BodyForce")
			ghostEffect.Name = "GravityCoilEffect"
			ghostEffect.force =, recursiveGetLift(char) ,0)
			ghostEffect.Parent = char.Head
			ghostChar = char
			massCon1 = char.ChildAdded:connect(function(child)  onMassChanged(child, char) end)
			massCon2 = char.ChildRemoved:connect(function(child)  onMassChanged(child, char) end)


function onEquipped()
	myCharacter = Tool.Parent
	     lol = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(myCharacter)
					if lol then
						lol.PlayerGui.Musik.Song.Value = 1

function onUnequipped()
	     lolz = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(myCharacter)
					if lolz then
						lolz.PlayerGui.Musik.Song.Value = 0


But I don’t understand what virus there is, I mean how is a virus detected, anyway the question is, is there a virus in the script? Since it may be that the plugin has failed. Thanks a lot

May I ask what plug-in that is?

If you have virus or viruses in your game, you should get a lot of scripts with names: ‘Anti lag’ ‘i own you’ ‘you got h4cked’ etc. You can remove that scripts, or install a plugin of anti-virus.

That script is not a virus, is from a tool.

“Guardian Angel Defenser” I found it on a YT channel that recommended it and the plugin was highly rated.

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So if that script is not a virus, why does it tell me that it is a virus?

Can you send an image please? Thanks


Get the gravitycoil and move it to StarterPack. Then Play and test the GravityCoil.

No no no, if everything works perfectly, I’m just afraid to put it in the original game because the script is supposedly a virus :frowning:

And what is that antivirus? Are you sure that is trustable?

The truth is that I do not know, I saw it on a YT channel and when I entered the plugin I had a lot of likes, also why would a plugin deceive me saying that it is a virus?

Because the plugin checks the lenght of the script. Try another

So are you telling me that the plugin thinks a script is a virus just because of its size? So it is possible that I have put many scripts that were viruses into my game but the plugin did not detect them just because they were short? ; __;

It refers to that I try another plugin or another script, it is that I cannot create the script I want and that is why I use a free model. Any plugin that you recommend for Anti-virus?

Test this plugin

Plugin Details

Venom, intercept malicius scripts

Its a bit complicated.


When you enable, you can pick the scripts to eliminate and to activate again.

If you don’t understand the plugin, search it on google. I have to go.

Or also at 17:00 (spain hour)

The script looks safe. From the skim, it just alters movement on a character when they equip the tool. From my understanding, a ‘virus’ or backdoor would insert some module (using require, getfenv, etc) that an exploiter can hook their code on to. There’s a good thread on backdoors here. The script is mostly harmless.

My guesses are the plugin probably suspected the variables. The script’s variables are unclear, such as: m, c, lolz, and some malicious code uses these kinds of variables to obfuscate its content. The use of bodymovers on a player’s character could make the plugin think it’s troll code as well.

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The plugin says that the script is a virus xd

So you as a professional can you assure me that the script does not contain viruses? :smiley:

A tldr; it doesn’t insert anything suspicious, nope, it’s not a backdoor.