Does this technically work?

Okay, so I have a part that when touched, it will print a message. When a .Touched event is connected, it automatically creates an object known as a “TouchTransmitter” into the part, which is what allows the event to be fired. A .Touched event can be disconnected if you have an undefined variable set to an event, like this for example: TouchedFunction:Disconnect()

So, I began wondering, does deleting a TouchTransmitter technically count as disconnecting a .Touched function?

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Destroying the TouchTransmitter doesn’t disconnect any Touched event connections, but the Touched event will no longer fire on touches. Just so you know, RBXScriptConnection objects have a Connected property. It remains true after the transmitter is destroyed, since technically the connection still exists. Without the transmitter, the game doesn’t care about tracking touches so the signal is negligently left to wait forever for a touch event that never arrives.

Thanks for letting me know! I appreciate your help. :smiley:

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