Ignoring the duplicate Char. button on the right, do you think the buttons look good overall? I’ve had someone in my group server tell me that I should maybe remove the text below the icons.
This UI looks great! I think it should all be bigger, all of the UI. It looks a bit too small in the screenshot. Otherwise, great job on this! How long did it take to create the UI? What game is it used in?
Thank you! The game is called Block Run (under group Eggium). I’m planning to advertise within 2 weeks once I’m done with a big update.
On the button size, this is a bad screenshot I admit (straight from Roblox studio). This is how it looks like in the actual game, where the buttons are slightly bigger:
Make the white frames black, it will look a lot better…
The background frame for the coins, gems, admin button etc… idk what you show me in that image but it’s not what I was talking about…
Edit: I’ve seen what you changed in the image and yes that was what I was taliing about, I didn’t see the changed UI.
Hmm I don’t know, should I then also change the icons itself to a black color? I think it’ll fit the border more then
If you want to keep the white UI you could make an setting button in ur game to change from white to black since most people don’t like white UI.