I’m trying to alter how much messages you can send before you get hit with the anti-spam filter and the way i’m doing it is by changing the ChatFloodDetector’s numbermessagesAllowed to a lower number in the ChatModules, am I allowed to do this or is it against TOS?
It doesn’t sound like it breaks TOS, as long as it’s not interfering with the chat filter’s ability to tag messages it deems inappropriate. It should be fine.
Considering you can easily change it and it’s not hard coded in the client, I would guess it’s probably not. But I wouldn’t risk it, personally.
It isn’t against the TOS, but if the player spams w/ it, it is against the TOS.
So if I just put the numbermessagesallowed from the normal 7 to something like 3, I won’t be breaking TOS / getting faced with moderation punishments on my account?
Really appreciate it bro, been needing a reply like this, I’ll mark you down as the solution, have a great day, much love
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