Does this violate terms of service?

It’s just a general bullet proof vest. Nothing obscene.

Then it should be perfectly fine and you can upload this without any problems

I remember having a red arm-band on a bullet proof vest and got a warning for that. I’d upload this to an alt first to see if it’s going to moderate it or not.

If in any doubt, you should contact the moderators about it.

Pulled from this article


This is always a touchy subject. Any red armband is banned (as said in the above post) most likely due to the red armbands that the Nazi party sported on their uniforms in WW2.

General idea: if you have to ask, it’s probably not ok.

What matters (or should matter) is the intent of the clothing. @OP doesn’t intentionally want it to resemble Nazism.

If moderation is giving this warning:

  • “Clothing featuring red armbands are not permitted on Roblox.”
  • Due to the use of red armbands by the Nazis during the World Wars, Roblox does not allow the use >of red armbands or any type of resemblance.

Then don’t use red arm bands. Period.


Intent doesn’t matter when it comes to these things, especially since this clothing would be public. I’ve seen example of syringe decals being rejected even though it’s for a doctor game because that decal could be abused by anyone else.

EDIT: This reply is what I’m referring to:


Agree with RedDuck, if you have to ask its probably not okay.

Whether or not it is intended, red armbands are (in the sense of moderation) associated with that specific event and party and thus will be rejected aswell as the account moderated

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Maybe to stay safe, change the red armband to a different color. You’re likely better off putting another signifier instead of heaving a red armband. I would assume in the context, you’re not using it as a Nazi symbol so you should be fine having that arm band.


A few years back I tried uploading a red armband shirt and it was taken down. No matter if it’s offensive or not. I even emailed roblox support and they gave me the same answer.

All red armbands or what looks like a red armband won’t be allowed on the site

Like I said, it doesn’t matter what your intention is. These assets are public, and someone with ill intent will take advantage of this.

Besides, the rule make no exception. It pretty clearly states that you can’t put a red armband. No ifs or buts about that.

It can be interpreted exactly as has been stated above because the Nazi party’s ‘mobile task force’ also wore red armbands.

I don’t see how you can keep arguing that this is going to be ok when it is written in bold in the official TOS that any red armband is NOT allowed.


Although I don’t agree with it, the thread is asking if it violates the TOS. It does so honestly it’s case closed.

Even though you’ve found the post about red armbands being banned, what you’ve shown on that shirt isn’t an arnband. You’ve put a ribbon on the arm which isn’t against the Roblox T&C.

They mean armbands like:
With or without the nazi emblem.

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How does one go about contacting moderation? Devrelations?

They have a group you can message in DevForum. I would provide a link but if you just go for a forum such as ‘Enrol to Beta Program’ you can easily find the group.

On mobile right now so I wish I could link you it.

Email them through
Looking at the other posts above, you’re better off taking their advice since it clearly says in the T&Cs