Hi, I wanted to know if “Kohl’s Admin Infinite” causes lag in my Roblox game, since my game is an Obby but it has a lot of lag, for example:
Tapping traps takes 2 seconds to kill you.
Spinning traps hang all the time.
When you send a message it takes 2 seconds to be sent.
The truth is I don’t know what it could be and I need help, I don’t know if the cause of the delay could be “Kohl’s Admin Infinite” and I wanted to ask you if that’s the problem. In case you weren’t sure, I wanted to ask if someone knows how to frame ban just for me, since I only use Kohl’s Admin Infinite to ban hackers. Thanks a lot
I have used the admin before and it worked fine for me. Are you sure it is not just to do with your scripts like having a wait or something could create the delay. (also if you want I can make a ban and kick command for 250 robux).
This is probably because of latency. If you kill a player on the server, it could take some time before the player dies on the client because the server has to tell the client to die. The same thing applies to moving objects, if it is done on the server it will take some time before the client is told where the object should be
If this is the problem, local scripts can be used instead of server scripts.
The only problem with local scripts is that they can be hacked. If you want to prevent this, you could use client prediction, so instead of having either a server script (with latency) or a local script (vulnerable to hacking), you have both a server and local script that does the same thing.
Can the system be by UI? I already made the UI where I want the ban and kick system to be, I just need to put the system inside it, I would like there to be a frame where to write the name of the player and that when writing it comes the image of the player, and that below you put If the sanction is ban or kick and also be able to write the reason for the sanction, if you want you can raise the price to 300 robux, it depends on how the result is. (But my system needs those features that I told you) (Also my language is Spanish, sorry for the bad English)
As far as I know, the admin itself does not cause any noticable lag at all.
Perhaps other scripts in your game does, or there’s some server latency due to part count, meshes and so on.
Since you don’t need it for anything else, I would make your own ban script instead of using kohl’s. All you really have to know is how to save data using data stores and how to kick players when they join.
Learning how to save data is very important so if you dont already know how to make this script, I would recommend to learn how. (you could also save yourself 300 robux and learn a skill you’ll probably need again)