Doesnt anyone know how to do this?

Hi, How would I make vehicle sound pitch change with vehicle acceleration?

Do I link it to my chassis? for example cylindrical constraints? or do I link it to the VehicleSeat?

How would I go about doing this?

Any help is much appreciated! :grinning: :+1:

You can get the current speed of the vehicle, divide it by the max speed of the vehicle. Then, using that value, set the pitch of the engine sound along with some adjustments

(Edit: not sure if this will work though since I’m not into maths much, nor do I make vehicles. For adjustments, I meant like adding 1 to the value you have and dividing it by 4 for example.)

How would I go about doing this?

There’s no property In the vehicle seat to get the current speed.

If I remember you can get it by getting the magnitude of the vehicle seat’s velocity

Could you provide an example code? (I’m not asking for a complete script, I’m just asking too see a bit of code so I can try get the idea)

local value = vehicle.VehicleSeat.Velocity.Magnitude / vehicle.VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed
vehicle.Engine.EngineSound.PlaybackSpeed = 1 + value / 4

Like I said, not sure if it will work as intended, since I don’t make vehicles. If it doesn’t sound right, you can just adjust the numbers until you get the right sound pitch

There’s no VehicleSeat.Velocity Property

Do you mean torque? or MaxSpeed?

Don’t make duplicate topics.

Vehicle seat does because it’s inherited from basepart.

Also I learnt from looking at other people’s creation, you should to. x86 Architecture has made a real good one where I learnt how to sorta simulate a gear system, though mine is manual.

Alright, just read that VehicleSeat.Velocity is supposedly deprecated. Try using VehicleSeat.AssemblyLinearVelocity instead.

Yeah, Sorry, My bad, I made one topic but it didn’t get any replies, so I made another topic, Sorry about that.