Dogo8me2 | Programmer | ( OPEN )

Discord: dogo8me2

Devforum: @dogo8me2

Hi there! I am Vincent, a 15-year-old programmer with 3+ years of scripting experience in LUAU. I have been very interested in doing commissions for a while and decided to make a portfolio for this. I am open to any work, and prices are negotiable but must not fall below :robux_light: 1000.

I am usually available from 4:25 PM - 8:30 PM UTC - 4 on weekdays and available from 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM on weekends. (Some days I might not be available; it depends.)

I have the ability to greatly organize scripts, such as making my scripts very readable for future programmers by adding comments where needed and using proper capitalization for variables (camelCase, PascalCase, SNAKE_CASE). I can also greatly optimize my scripts to take up minimal resources in your games. (worked on a team editing/changing app)
GroupCheckScript -
OrderedDataStore infinite display -
Wedge Entertainment - Roblox (lead programmer)
Gun system - Roblox
generic difficulty chart obby - Roblox

I also have a lot more work in programming, but I just find it difficult to display.

Leave a reply below if you are interested in my services.

Note: I am still open to any commissions requiring scripting!!!

Iā€™m still very open to any commissions requiring scripting.

Hey! are you still available if so where can I contact you further?

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Hi, yes I am available, to contact me please friend me at dogo8me2 on discord.

Accept my friend request on discord please !

I have no current friend requests on discord, is this a mistake?

no, but i send it again to dogo8me2

if anybody is interested in my services I have recently become more available to start doing commissions again. contact me on discord if you are interested: dogo8me2