Department of Internal Affairs: General Expectations and Rules
Adorations! This handbook contains general expectations and rules that are to be followed regardless of your rank. Whether you’re a Deputy Director or a Junior Agent, you are still expected to comply with these basic general expectations.
General Expectations
1 | You are expected to remain professional whilst on-duty within The Porto Foundation, either in the communications server or on the game.
2 | You are expected to wear the correct uniform. If you are not obligated to wear a uniform, you are at least expected to dress professionally in suitable, appropriate attire.
3 | You are expected to respect your superiors. You must follow orders. However, if their orders are deemed as inappropriate in any way, you are more than welcome to report them to a higher ranking officer. However, if they’re not, you are expected to follow them. Also, you must address them correctly, there’s actually an entire handbook surrounding how to address other members at different ranks.
4 | Use common sense. This is self-explanatory. If there isn’t a rule on something, but you think that it is wrong; don’t take the risk and don’t do it. Instead, ask a higher rank whether it’s okay or not.
General Rules
As you may notice, a lot of rules also fall under general expectations.
1 | First and foremost, you must always abide by all Discord’s and Roblox’s Terms of Services, Guidelines and Rules. Failure to do so will result in immediate punishment with no appeal.
2 | You must follow all Porto Foundation rules, stated in the #rules channel.
3 | Whilst on-duty, whether in the game, in the communications server or representing us in an external event, you are expected as a base minimum to remain mature and professional. Do not troll, do not misrepresent us.
4 | This falls under rule 1, however you must in no mean exploit in any way. This includes server-sides. If you notice a backdoor in any Porto Foundation facility, you are to inform a higher rank without hesitation. Also, scamming is prohibited, too.
5 | Whenever engaging with another member of The Porto Foundation, you must always behave in a respectable, kind manner.