Dollhouse: A new horror game in progress

Hello there! I am Mark and I have been working on a small project inspired by some games like CASE: Animatronics and SCPs SCP-173. (Or movie Doctor who - Weeping angels)

The game will be a small story game in future, but is it worth it to work on it?
Please send me feedback :confused:
The game is bright because Future is bright phase 3 is not released yet.


AHHHH. I love this!!! Especially because itā€™s about the spooky season. :slight_smile:


Looks like itā€™s gonna be really good! Definitely keep working on it because this is quite a unique-ish idea. The music fits the theme really well and gives an added spooky bonus. Keep up the good work!

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Yeah. It looks great so far. The thing moves way too fast though and the description for the game is pretty cringe not gunna lie. I can definatly see the SCP-173 and weeping angel inspiration. I am also getting some Outlast (Correct me if I am thinking of the wrong game.) vibes from it. I find the creature being at spawn really annoying though. Iā€™m guessing that when the game comes out the creature is going to activate at a certain point. Again, turn down that speed. Itā€™s a but insane honestly. Keep it up.


Okay, thanksā€¦ And you are right, it is inspired a bit from outlast too.
(Will turn down the speed, thanks for feedback ^-^


Like outlast but with less sacrilege. I like the aesthetic, but the setting doesnā€™t make sense with the monster. Normally I donā€™t think of mannequins being in a abandoned hospital. Maybe you should explain that in audio logs or notes found in patient rooms or administration rooms. Wax cylinders would be an interesting thing to see as a method for playing audio logs in a video game.

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Yeah, the gameā€™s point is actually about spoilers ahead

That there was somebody with a mental illness and kept working on some weird mannequin arts, later started working on wood models and later on plastic models. But then he did suicide and hospital was abandoned due to it was not very stable for patients, so they built a new one without renovating the old one.

Spoilers ahead:

I donā€™t think Roblox will allow heavy elements such as suicide. Maybe if you put a disclaimer in the description that this game contains heavy and mature themes that may not be appropriate for all audiences. Still. Maybe just imply it. Donā€™t say it. Also, that doesnā€™t really explain why they are alive. It may need some kind of Lovecraftian occult horror to give them life. That would make sense as the game is inspired by Outlast, which is pretty close to occult by most peopleā€™s standards.


say cause of death Unknwon, the abandoned hospital reminds me a bit of ROSES, the use of mannequins is interesting more feedback when i play it.

the gui in the starter place was good, but i see this is a work in progress easily, the gui of camera needs to be reworked and the creatures kill instantly.


Dude, there is 4 year olds on roblox keep that in mind the name ā€œdoll houseā€ might attract little kids that play roblox and with dolls. Not appropriate for them

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I donā€™t want to sound bad, but I donā€™t see a real problem with using dolls, the game puts it in the horror category and thatā€™s it, if they play it itā€™s because they want to.

toy story traumatized me more than a roblox game could do.
(I thought that if my toys were alive, and they did not move freely, it was because they were up to something) or maybe there I discovered my phobia of toys with a face.

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Thats not at all what I mean they should put ā€œHORRORā€ or ā€œdescrecionā€ so that little kids dont play it

Continue this! It has so much potential that you might not use! That theme is literally a theme I would hear from a piggy game or a game with multiple chapters! Advertise with youtubers or whatever you need! That theme makes me think that Iā€™m about to play a game filled with lore, gripping characters, and dark lore! You should definitely continue this! If your thoughts are stopping you from wanting to do this, thank the thoughts for their opinion and continue doing what you like to do!

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For some reason Iā€™m getting classical Rachmaninoff vibes from some parts of the music and as far as the game goes I have a good feeling that Iā€™m not going to get any sleep after the lighting comes in and the bugs in the game are fixed nice job dude!

This game was a little bit confusing. I was immediately plunged onto a baseplate with a hospital. The game didnā€™t feel creepy. Maybe consider adding instructions?

There will be, the game is work in progressā€¦

I think that moving dolls would make a good state in a horror game. It just shows that some dolls that move, (like chucky in childā€™s play is a moving and killer doll.) make a game scary. I havenā€™t made dolls yet in any of my games because some dolls actually creep me out. Please do not make the dolls seem automatonophobia like, because that would be too creepy and disturbing for a roblox game. Use roblox accessories to make the dolls not scary. Also, do not put some disturbing accessories and details for the dolls. Also, please put a warning letter that says ā€œif you have pediophobia, please do not play this game.ā€

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I think add a icon and thumbnail!

What? Is this a joke or?

It is WIP. I still work on it. (I work on it slowly)