Fire GFX. I would appreciate any criticism. Tell me everything you like and don’t like.
I find this far too unrealistic. There is fire. Fire emits light. On the character, the lighting does not match the light the flame would emit. Perhaps add more lighting in front of the character to simulate the light from the fire. Doing that will add tons of more realism. Overall its fine.
The whole thing is pretty great, but there’s waaay too much red glare to a degree to where I can’t properly make out the character
I don’t know how to do that. I use pixlr e to edit my GFX’s. I’ll try my best to do that though.
I see what you mean. I’ll try to remember this in other GFX’s I will make in the future.
Its great! But the CC is over used which makes the render unreal.
A bit better. The red light doesn’t suit it too well, I would recommend more of an orange/ yellow color, but it’s an improvement.