Donating Gamepasses

Bump, great idea.



Bump! This idea should be implemented, roblox could profit from this.


Bump, there have been many times where I would’ve loved to gift a gamepass or have one gifted to me by a friend

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Bump, being able to buy gamepasses for others would boost purchases and help support both devs and Roblox, wasted opportunity Roblox!

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Im so happy r0blox didnt add this omg bro.

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why is that? I think it’s a great Idea

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This is definitely something that should be implemented asap.

A year later I have not changed my opinion on this subject.

It would be a huge bonus to all developers if this was intergrated directly into the engine, I don’t know if roblox has done research proving otherwise but this would easily boost revenue and take away a minor pain point for developers (you can still do this yourself of course) so its a win win.

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Bumping this!

This is an amazing idea.

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Bump!! If roblox does not plan on adding it due to a specific reason, I think it is only fair for us to be told!

Yet I think this would bring Roblox even more revenue, so… why is it not a thing yet then? haha

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It would definitely be a benefit for roblox and certain games already have this however many game developers understandbly refuse to make this a feature unless roblox adds it themselves

This suggestion is from 2017 and has not been added nor addressed. I would understand that their would suggest this privately however this has been a suggestion for this long and there isn’t even a possibility that it will be added this or even next year as of now and kinda loosing hope that this will be a feature at all unless roblox does something

Even if only premium users can gift stuff then i would be happy because it would make premium atleast more useful

I wouldn’t see any issue here

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So is a majority of feature requests, look at how long people have been asking for Advanced Graphics Settings. (This isn’t the first feature request about it and likely won’t be the last)

This is dumb. You would have to pay money, to pay other people money.


does roblox intentionally want to not get money? i dont get what their team is working on if not on this, like are there even website updates?


there are only engine updates like except for changing the amount of displayed friends are there even any significant updates? this is literally a game changer for roblox and allows for way more transacations to be made, whoever handles the roblox website team must add this its not even a question


note that gifting paid access games must also be added dont forget

sadly you cant even make a new post about this feature because roblox is gatekeeping the website features role, lol

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This prevents Roblox from getting money, as less robux will be entering circulation for gamepasses. Same with transfering group funds from personal balance.

How? All it means is that somebody else will pay for the gamepass.

Yes, people with alot of Robux will give out a TON of things for free to random people. This will also get past most Robux taxes, and people won’t buy robux and instead will ask people who already have Robux.

It’s the same reason why they forced plugins to be purchased in USD. Developers are the people most likely to have Robux, purchase plugins, and CREATE plugins. Robux is circulating through developers and back to developers, and little real money purchases will be made for plugins.

Please explain how this will get past most taxes. I don’t see how it will.

Directly transferring Robux funds into your group, and giving it to a friend in full without any getting taxed. (normally you’d need to create a shirt and buy it for the taxed Robux to go into your group funds after a week/weeks.)

Directly (essentially) transferring funds into a friend’s account to pay off their gamepass for them. (Normally you’d need to purchase them Robux or a gift card with real money, transfer funds from a group, or buy one of their items. (shirts, gamepasses, etc))

And how would they transfer the robux to the account? Gamepasses, giftcards, credit cards? (Edit: Thank you for clarifying how in your original post, I can now see what you meant as in taxes)

Honestly, if tax is a problem they can just increase the price of gamepasses being gifted, we should really have this feature regardless. Having to wait for group funds/pending to come in to donate to a friend is honestly frustrating.