Donation Board doesn't let you click the UI buttons

So I imported the model by yeah_ember’s donation board, and it used to work perfectly, but now it won’t let you click anything on the UI of it, can’t purchase or enter the settings. I didn’t rename it, move it anywhere, and I didn’t delete any of the scripts. I tried other donation boards too, and they all seemed to have the same problem.

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Make sure that SurfaceGui instance is parented under PlayerGui so that it knows which player is interacting with it, otherwise it will not allow any interaction to happen.

SurfaceGui | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub.

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The model doesn’t have a SurfaceGui and when I delete and reimport, doesn’t have one inside. Unless you’re referring to something else. Sorry in advance I’m very new to scripting and anything in studio.

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Even when play testing? Do you know where the GUI elements for the leaderboard are stored?

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I tested in play testing, and I found them.

In this case you will have to move SurfaceGui’s to PlayerGui under the local player. Here is an incomplete example to get you started:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

-- Move the instance to be under PlayerGui of the local player
yourSurfaceGuiObject.Parent = Players.LocalPlayer:FindFirstChild("PlayerGui")
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where would I put this script?

You should modify existing script, and use scripting knowledge to apply the sample code correctly. If you are completely new to scripting, I would suggest to learn basics first before modifying other’s scripts.

did you get this fixed? currently got the same issue

Make your own post so we can help you. We don’t want to necrobump this post