(done) School Bus for 10k R$

Job: Build a school bus which is drivable using a VehicleSeat.


  • 1 driver’s seat, and 16-20 passenger seats (1 player to each seat, so 8-10 rows)
  • MaxSpeed of 60
  • Should be a stable vehicle with adequate handling (you may need to adjust Torque, TurnSpeed, wheel friction, etc.) Obviously it may not have perfect handling, being such a large vehicle
  • The bus should be around 12 or 13 studs wide. Each seat being 3-4 studs wide, a ~4 stud wide aisle, and each wall should be 0.6-1 stud wide.
  • No CSG

I’ll cover the 30% tax. You will also be credited in the vehicle’s description.

You can send the model to my Skype (eliteace42) or arrange for me to take the model on my alt. (I don’t want the model sitting out in public… there’s some thieves out there!)

“12-13 studs wide”

That is one wide vehicle.

[quote] “12-13 studs wide”

That is one wide vehicle. [/quote]

Well, if it works well as a 10-11 stud vehicle, that would be acceptable too. I’m really bad with building proportions, so idk. :stuck_out_tongue:
My current cars are 10 studs wide, I just figure a bus might end up being a bit wider. The entire road is 50 studs wide.

I’ll do it. I’m using my cars that I made for the toolbox models as a chassis, so it will have steering wheels and engine sound effects.

Awesome, thanks!

I have created a school bus modelled after the IC CE school bus (which is what you have pictured).

Although you asked for a bus that was 12-13 studs wide, the bus that I made happens to be 9.2 studs wide. If that is a big problem I can edit it so that it is wider. EDIT: yeah, it will be a problem.

This is clearly a case where I should have checked out the intended use before building xD

I’ll build one to match the style in your game, unless you’d like me to build more to match the style of the bus…

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