Don't allow 'disposable/temporary' emails

What I’ve noticed that’s becoming increasingly popular is disposable emails. Sites are now starting to block the use of these emails as they are a one-time-use account. It’s a big security risk as many of these sites re-use these one-time emails.

I was successfully able to make an account with an disposable email AND verify it

An example site I know of that doesn’t allow these temporary/disposable emails at signup


Is the fact that some sites block them a good reason to do the same? Sure, it’s a security risk for the people creating accounts with disposable email, but I’m sure the people using those disposable email services are aware of that. Some sites don’t allow them because they only want users with commitment to use the site over a long period, because they don’t want users to create multiple accounts or because email is important for more than account recovery and newsletters, but none of these applies to ROBLOX.

@ColorfulBody “but none of these applies to ROBLOX”

As long as the only obstacle inbetween a spammer and the ability to post spam is a verified email adres, email is more important than account recovery and newsletters. As a verified email adress has been the only requirement for posting spam and it doesn’t seem like spam prevention is of high priority to the web team, every and any step to make it harder to spam will improve the platform.

That is an issue with roblox, they limit you to 2 accounts per email afaik so this is getting around that limit

Some disposable email sites change their domain monthly, to get around companies blocking their emails.

It’s 20, speaking from experience.

Oh, damn o_o