I don’t wish to disable autosave because it has helped me so many times, but at the moment it’s causing my problems. I am currently working on some scripts for a map that contains well-over 30,000 parts alone, this means that saving can take up to a few seconds. When I am writing a script and suddenly studio autosaves it can slow me down since I have to wait for the autosave to be completed. Instead, I’d like to see that autosaves would be completed once the script has been updated or before they are opened but not while they are open (since you can’t make many changes while editing a script.) This may of course cause issues for some users, so it’d be nice to toggle on and off.
An option would be nicer, yeah.
I sometimes lose hours of work whilst scripting because I have only been in the edit script pane. Having it autosave regardless is essential.