Don't cancel VIP servers from changing the price

As a Roblox developer, it is currently impossible to change the price of my VIP server without all servers canceling.

This suggestion is an extension of this thread

If Roblox is able to address this issue, it would improve developers’ ability to find the best VIP server price for their particular game, and it would not disincentivise developers wanting to increase the price after making some improvements for example.




What do you mean by cancel? I’m a bit unfamiliar with this as I’ve never dealt with changing the prices of active VIP servers.

I completely think that if you change the price of a VIP server subscription, all previous subscriptions should stop recurring but for the month that was paid you keep your VIP server, after that you lose it. I think that’s how it works now. It doesn’t make sense to have players pay for a 1 R$ VIP server and then have the subscription bumped up to 300 R$ and expect the subscription not to cancel. It’s an exaggeration of what likely would happen, but the same applies to a 100 R$ → 150 R$ increase. The player got into the subscription with an agreement to 100 R$ per month. You should not expect them to pay more than what they initially agreed to. If they like your game enough, they’ll renew at the new price-point.


I completely agree that stuff like this could be abused. I should have clarified what I posted in the previous thread as well.

I don’t think this feature request would be production-ready without giving the player a Roblox notification that one of their VIP servers price was changed, and give them the option right there like a buying catalog item pop up, to either agree to continue subscription for the new price, or cancel themselves.

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We would not be okay with automatically charging more for a VIP server without confirmation, so that means we would have to freeze all previous subscriptions and give the player the option to continue. This is functionally equivalent to what we do now – we cancel all existing VIP servers and players have the option to renew. So I do not think we will do this.

We could add an additional step where all VIP server owners are notified that the VIP server price has changed so they are aware of the change.


I think VIP server subscriptions should only be put on hold if you’re raising the price. If you’re lowering the price, all active subscriptions should automatically continue on the lower price.


This would be ideal if this were to be implemented assuming it was not PMs and notifications. PMs and notifications are. for something involving real life currency (either $$ → R$$ or R$$ → $$), non interactive. Players should not be done a disservice by having more R$ than what they agreed to taken justified because a PM or notification was sent to them. I get spammed regularly by trade messages and have completely neglected my inbox now to the point where I have nearly 100K+ messages unread. I would not want a PM of such importance being grouped with the useless messages I receive.

Notifications are slightly better but still non-interactive.

TheAmazeMan’s suggestion of a popup is the best.

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You’re right that it’s currently functionally the same as the suggestion is, and I now agree with your assessment (because I do agree there are more pressing website things).
I think I was worrying about how many people would renew after the price change without being notified, but that should be up to the developer, through group / profile shout. Thanks for a prompt response

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I believe interrupting subscriptions should only happen if the price is increased. If it decreases, there is no reason to interrupt a subscription. Notifications are a great idea otherwise.