Don't hide old while loading new appearance

As a user, it’s difficult for me to compare character appearances because Roblox briefly hides the old appearance while the new one loads. For instance, can you tell the difference between the various body types I’m using?

I’m unsure if the body sliders actually update the thumbnail right now, but even if that were the case, the unloading makes it difficult to notice slight changes in appearance.

If Roblox is able to address this issue, I would be able to compare appearances and find the ones I liked best. I assume the solution would have to be keeping the old appearance in the background and just overlaying it with a transparent loading spinner, so when the new appearance loads in, we can see exactly what it changed.


Thumbnails for the new sliders do not currently generate.

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Once they do, it would be cool if changing the avatar scaling tweened the limb size in 3D previews rather than re-loading everything.

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Yeah I absolutely agree. I think there are some limitations on web, but this should be how it works in the Mobile and Xbox Avatar Editors.