Don't include current word in autofill

Currently there are times where autofill will suggest the current word as the first item in autofill. This serves no purpose and should never happen, all it does is increase the number of actions to actually use autofill

In this case, self.Mod is never referenced in previous code, I am trying to type self.Model but it suggests Mod as the first option and serves no purpose


The TypeChecking for self is just downright unusable. It doesn’t infer what self is and only provides results based on previously typed data (Or in OP’s case, the word being typed itself) inside the scope.

Because of this, I constantly find myself doing local self: typeof(Table) = self just to get a slightly correct type, and in some rare cases I even have to write the entire interface for Table.


What? I’ve never encountered that! I think this is a #bug-reports post.