Don't know how to make a grid layout but with objects

I’m trying to make a plate game, and I don’t know where to start with spawning the plates. If you don’t know what a plate game is, I’ll explain a little. So, each player gets a different area at the start of each round, and a random disaster is chosen on a random plate or a random player. I’m trying to make that same kind of game, but I can’t figure out how to make the grid layout for each plate.

Here’s an image of what I am trying to do:

So, the plates are evenly spaced out in a grid pattern. I want to figure out how to do this.

Maybe this code will help?

PartSize =, 1, 10)
Padding = 7
StartPosition =, 0, 0)

Columns = 5
Rows = 5

for c = 1, Columns do
    for r = 1, Rows do
        local Plate ="Part", workspace)
        Plate.Size = PartSize
        local PositionX = (r-1) * (Padding + PartSize.X)
        local PositionZ = (c-1) * (Padding + PartSize.Z)
        local Position =, 0, PositionZ) + StartPosition

It’s tested, so may error.

Tbh, plate games usually do the positioning manually, which is stored in Server Storage. It is then cloned and inserted into workspace whenever it is needed.