Hello I’m Ryxku and I’ve been working on a project for 2 months. I’m nearly close to the end of my project right now but there’s a big flaw I didn’t anticipate at the beginning of my project are the data requests that each player need every minute.
I often see datastore requests getting added in a queue and when it happens, the player see empty plains instead of seeing houses.
Here how I organize my datas :
I have a store called Neighborhoods and these are my keys :
In each key there are other dictionnaries which store specific informations for different players. The good thing of my game is it synchronizes everything in real time.
But the real problem now is when several players want to have a free walk in my game… I gave them an option to get teleported to a specific house. That’s why I have a different store called PlayerData where I store informations to know where is located the house of a specific player because all players are limited to 1 house only!
Here is an important function which eats a lot of ressources for the data requests :
-- The function to get all informations of one neighborhood
local function getNeighborhoodHouses(x, y)
-- Une seule requête pour obtenir toutes les données du quartier
local neighborhoodData = neighborhoodDataStore:GetAsync("Neighborhood_" .. x .. "_" .. y)
if not neighborhoodData then return nil end
-- Request to get informations of all inhabitants in the neighborhood
local playerIds = {}
for houseNumber = 1, 9 do
local houseKey = "HouseNumber" .. houseNumber
local houseData = neighborhoodData[houseKey]
if houseData and houseData.owner ~= 0 then
table.insert(playerIds, houseData.owner)
-- Recover datas in one request but idk
local success, playersData = pcall(function()
local data = {}
for _, id in ipairs(playerIds) do
data[id] = playerDataStore:GetAsync("Player_"..id)
return data
if not success then
warn("Error I failed recovering data from each user")
return nil
-- Building the logic
local houses = {}
local index = 1
for houseNumber = 1, 9 do
local houseKey = "HouseNumber" .. houseNumber
local houseData = neighborhoodData[houseKey]
if houseData then
local playerData = playersData[houseData.owner]
local success, ownerName = pcall(function()
return Players:GetNameFromUserIdAsync(houseData.owner)
houses[index] = {
originalID = houseNumber,
owner = houseData.owner,
ownerName = success and ownerName or "Unknown Player",
houseType = houseData.houseType,
claimDate = houseData.claimDate,
Texte = houseData.Texte,
CustomImage = houseData.CustomImage or "0",
Rotation = houseData.Rotation or "Front",
forSale = houseData.forSale,
saleAssetId = houseData.saleAssetId,
salePrice = houseData.salePrice,
Badge1 = playerData and playerData.Badge1 or false,
Badge2 = playerData and playerData.Badge2 or false,
Badge3 = playerData and playerData.Badge3 or false,
TotalVisites = houseData.TotalVisites or 0
index = index + 1
return houses
Each time I tried something different like using GetSortedAsync() I get http error requests in the output. So I’m really stuck, I would be really happy to receive any kind of help! Thank you!
Are you loading all neighborhoods at once when the server has started? Or are you just loading the specific neighborhood the player’s house is in?
EDIT: That is because I feel like all data should just be loaded at once when the server has started and then when the player once to go to a specific house, requests like these won’t be that as expensive.
Loading one neighborhood costs me around 10 GetAsync so no I can’t loading ALL neighborhoods at the beginning but I load based on player’s position like 0;0 . I have a local script which detects the current coordinates and fireservers when the player goes in a different chunk :
local Players = game:GetService(“Players”)
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local RunService = game:GetService(“RunService”)
local player = Players.LocalPlayer
local playerGui = player:WaitForChild(“PlayerGui”)
local coordGui = playerGui:WaitForChild(“ScreenGui”)
local nono = coordGui:WaitForChild(“ImageLabel”)
local coordLabel = nono:WaitForChild(“TextLabel”)
local Constants = require(ReplicatedStorage.Constants)
local lastX, lastY = nil, nil
local lastTriggerTime = 0
local debounceDelay = 10 – Délai de débounce en secondes
local function getNeighborhoodCoordinates(position)
local x = math.floor(position.X / Constants.NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE)
local y = math.floor(position.Z / Constants.NEIGHBORHOOD_SIZE)
return x, y
local function updateCoordinates()
local character = player.Character
if character and character:FindFirstChild(“HumanoidRootPart”) then
local position = character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
local currentX, currentY = getNeighborhoodCoordinates(position)
coordLabel.Text = string.format("(%d;%d)", currentX, currentY)
if tick() - lastTriggerTime > debounceDelay then
if currentX ~= lastX or currentY ~= lastY then
print("We're changing coordinates atm")
-- Demander au serveur les maisons du nouveau quartier
ReplicatedStorage.RequestNeighborhoodHouses:FireServer(currentX, currentY)
lastX, lastY = currentX, currentY
lastTriggerTime = tick() -- Updating in real time
If a player has reached a neighborhood, record it immediately on a dictionary that stores all neighborhood data, and when another player steps in the same neighborhood, just check if that neighborhood is a part of that dictionary, but if not, proceed with your GetAsync methods. This way, if all neighborhoods, let’s say 10 neighborhoods were discovered initially, you just have to reference them.
That is if you don’t already keep track of neighborhoods already loaded in the game…
But what if one of the houses get updated? Isn’t there a risk of having obsolete data all the time? Also I don’t have dictionaries out of my data stores.
I’m going to try to create a script module that caches the info relayed by the datastore, but can I store everything in one module? I need a place that’s accessible to all players on the server.
Yes, you can store everything in one module. Also, if you are worried about obsolete data, you would have to unfortunately create some code that detects when a player from this server or from another server changes some properties and just make the adjustments manually. By the way, the dictionary is just a container of all neighborhoods loaded.
A universally accessible module for all players to use. But something bothers me, isn’t neighborhoodData containing all the data values for each house of a player living in it? Shouldn’t you just put all the values needed in there and reduce data requests to just one?
You’re definitely not supposed to have that many keys. Can’t you directly set the key to the neighborhood, so you only have one GetAsync call to do for it? And if a neighborhood key is still under the 4MB data limit, then you could regroup multiple neighborhoods on a single key.