Don't show scripts in Script Recovery that have no differences

As a developer, I have to diff every script that script recovery prompts me with so that I know I’m not regressing. Most of the time there are no differences. Studio should not show those scripts.


This would be nice. I always opened every script to check for differences, but they were always the same so I stopped checking. The very first time I decided not to check and closed out of the recovery window, it turned out that script’s changes were lost, and I had just discarded the recovery. Not a good development experience.

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This is still an issue. Really annoying to have to diff 10-15 scripts that weren’t even changed every morning when I wake my PC up and find out that TC crashed overnight.

Still something I experience. It never used to happen to me, but as of recent I’ve been greeted with multiple scripts every day on script recovery and every single time there is absolutely no difference between what recovery shows and what the script in question contains. I end up just completely ignoring all scripts that pop up but the problem with that is when I actually will need it. I don’t see why they should be alerting me of problems that don’t exist.