"Doomsekkar" and "Ghosdeeri" both have a smoke effect that's incorrectly disabled

When The Dusekkar was first published onto the catalog, it came with a very unique script that enabled Fire and Smoke effects if it was being worn specifically by the player with UserID 916, aka Matt Dusek.

This legendary item would go on to get two retextures, aptly named Doomsekkar and Ghosdeeri. While both of these hats would later go on to receive fixes that removed the “limit to Matt Dusek” scripts entirely, as well as having their respective Fire effects enabled, their Smoke effects continue to remain inactive for some reason.
I also feel it important to point out that unlike “Ghosdeeri”, “Doomsekkar” actually had its Smoke color changed to purple [170, 0, 255], which further implies to me that the Smoke Effect was initially intended to be fully enabled on both hats, and just wasn’t.

Expected behavior

Doomsekkar and Ghosdeeri should ideally receive a simple fix that enables their respective Smoke particle effects, and for “Doomsekkar” specifically, consider changing its properties to be properly named something like “Doomsekkar”, as it is currently still named “TheDusekkar” from when the scripts and effects were initially copied from The Dusekkar. Thank you


Taking a look at the smoke effects on both items, I suspect it might have been disabled due to how thick and massive the smoke is. The smoke does definitely add a coolness factor to it, but I can definitely see it being very intrusive in most games.

As somebody who owns the Ghosdeeri specifically, I personally would prefer if the smoke was toned down more to the example I provided below. Even this might be a bit controversial due to how long these items have been out for, though


This also has me wondering if they would be willing to remove the Matt Dusek limitation for effects on the Dusekkar too.

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Thanks for the report, We’ll follow up when we have an update for you!

After review, we’ve determined the reported behavior aligns with our intended design. No changes are planned for this particular behavior.