Door Purchasing Not Working!

Im working on a simple simulator and the module I use todo door functions isn’t allowing purchasing.

local module = {}

local Cost = {

	DoorOne = 10000,
	DoorTwo = 150000,


local DoorCodes = {

	DoorOne = 1,
	DoorTwo = 2,


function module.Purchase(player, Door)
	local FindCost = Cost[Door]
	local FindDoorCode = DoorCodes[Door]
	local HiddenStats = player:WaitForChild("HiddenStats")
	local leaderstats = player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")
	local DoorsUnlocked = HiddenStats.DoorsUnlocked

	if FindDoorCode > DoorsUnlocked.Value and leaderstats.Coins.Value >= FindCost then
		DoorsUnlocked.Value = DoorCodes[Door]

return module

Everything on the module seems fine even though i havent tested it myself.

mind if I see the script that calls the module?

Found Out I Misspelt “DoorOne” & “DoorTwo” As It Was Sent