Doors Room Generator Package

Have you ever wanted to make a simple Doors game, but couldnt get the room generation to work? Well, worry not! I have the thing youre looking for:

RoomGenPackage.rbxm (7.4 KB)

This package is less than 300 lines long (combined) and reliably generates rooms based on rarity!

You can add rarities for rooms by adding an IntValue object under your room Model, and setting it to a number less than or equal to 100.

If all of your combined rarities dont add up to 100, it’s fine! I have a scaling function to make sure that all the rarities add up to 100.

However, I still recommend making sure that all the rooms rarities add up to 100 instead of relying on the scaling function.

Read the comments in the modules or ask a question here if you encounter any problems



umm any pics of the working things?

I have a youtube video of me using it in my game

Just wait a minute real quick ;2;w;s;a;w;