DoSing/DDoSing becoming a problem yet again

cool? why did u reply to me???

I was saying that cookie bots could look like real players

but why would they have robux? even if they are verified you could still possibly use the kick from accessory thing i said, also for the OP why dont you look this up on google, youll find a ton of posts: anti ddos roblox game - Google Search
here is also a good post: Is it possible to make an anti-DDoS? - #3 by The_PieDude

Okay, what I said before was a bit negative.
I suggest you to ask for proof of him ddosing so you’ll believe in his powers and pay him, and once you got it, download it and you got solid proof.
With this proof you can either contact discord help or smth.
You’ve made a huge mistake.
When he asked, you should have just not replied at all, pretend to be a dead account, even delete the account.

They don’t have robux, but they have random avatar items and names, some are made months ago as well. They are all verified.

NO. whatever you do, DO NOT pay him

“Please never pay someone to stop abuse. Paying someone gives them a reason to try to do it again. You have ways of fighting back. Roblox has a team of staff dedicated to reviewing abuse reports, and Bitcoin has a database for abuse reports (look up Bitcoin Abuse, easy to find).
I can not stress enough how important it is to get authorities on the matter involved. Financial threats are a serious matter.”
quote from this post: Is it possible to make an anti-DDoS? - #3 by The_PieDude


Man is not reading.
Second topic said “Tell him you’ll pay him if he send proof”.
But not actually paying.
Stop being so high

No, they can’t. Regardless, no one’s willing to spend that much time & computing power on shutting down a small Roblox community temporarily.

You have no guarantee whether this will work. They could demand more after you pay them as there are no rules that protect transactions like these.

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Yup, that was an option, that’s for telling us that it might not work, but I bet OG knew.

Vengeance and wrath is something that happens everyday, so if you enraged an exploiter he might just spent his time enjoying seeing you in pain, that’s why, I don’t suggest you to say things like “no lol”, but you should act like: “I’m sorry, look, I know it’s difficult to make money, and I just can’t give you any, I have barely, if you take that away I can’t even release ,so there’s no point after that. Sorry!”

Ik you did nothing wrong, but would you rather get crashed or stay fine?

Dude, you’re crazy.
I said
Tell the exploiter
“I will pay you, if you send proof”

And you’re thinking that we’re actually paying? What?

I have the source of botters, malicious ones as well. I know what they do, I’ve seen them do it.
And I know how ddosing is a major issue, and I’m finding a way to convince the exploiter to stop.

They don’t have access Roblox servers; no control over their servers, so no.

Don’t ever do that, there is no guarantee plus you’re giving in and therefore giving them a reason to continue.

That will do absolutely nothing, they can just target the game published from the different account.


Every solution have its flaws, and every problem have its solutions.

You’ll be commuting an illegal crime that’s not just cause.
I won’t suggest doing so.
Imagine being punished for this? :cold_face:

but if you dont want to go down that path then what he should do is report the account and discord account

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Yes, but a crime to stop a crime is also punishable.
Martin Luther king said only love can kill hate, I’m not too sure how to do it yet, but it’s definitely a better solution.

Alright I personally think the best shot is to just pretend to be dead.
Then the man would probably leave you as he’s uncertain about whether if you would come back or not.

Not suggested!
If you reported him and he got banned, he might revenge or smth so that’s bad
Roblox can ban his account but he’s not using discord or his main Roblox acc to DDos anyways, so banning won’t work.
Ty for replying

But you can’t send them to anyone…
They could be in Russia, in China, in Mexico, in Arabia…
Don’t use violence, or things can get bad :cry:

Ok what you should do is try to make a script detect a ddos attack then find the player and ban them because at the moment roblox is trying to fix the issue