I uploaded a UGC bundle that roblox considered as spam. Shortly after, I received a warning. I reactivated my account and then after around 10 minutes, I received a 1 day account ban and my UGC access was revoked. A similar thing also happened to Flamingo, who was moderated twice for a group icon, despite it already being deleted content.
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I don’t understand why you are not emailing Roblox about this. You also made another post about your DevEx funds not being processed properly which affects noone other than you. Therefore it can’t be classified as a platform bug, as you are not presenting a universal problem that needs a solution.
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You have not attached the affected bundle ID here, and no PM is attached to your report. You will not receive assistance until you do.
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Hi @asherppan
Please reformat your bug report and send another one, following this guide and this example!
As there is not enough information for us to work with!
Thanks for understanding!
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