How to post a Bug Report

:warning: Reports without the following information will NOT be investigated :warning:

Replies to bug reports must also follow these guidelines where possible. This means “Me too!” replies are not acceptable.

Requesting Access for Bug Reporting

You can request access for bug reporting by joining this Group.

For more info, please see our Bug Reports Update.


You can find ‘Report Bug’ on the DevForum homepage:

Your bug report must have:

  • An accurate title - Engineers should know what the bug is before opening the thread. Be specific!
  • A detailed description - Explain what you expect, and what happens instead.
  • Where it happens - Include links if it happens with specific places / users / groups / etc.
  • When it happens - Include the date and time (including timezone) when it started happening.
  • Videos and images - Include visuals to demonstrate the problem.
  • Reproduction instructions and files - See below
  • :exclamation: Required information - See below

See some examples.

Reproduction Steps

Provide step-by-step instructions that cause the bug to happen.
These steps must be:

  • Minimal - Simplify complicated steps or conditions as much as possible.
  • Specific - Steps must be clear and detailed. Don’t assume engineers know what you mean.
  • Consistent - Ideally, your steps reproduce the issue 100% of the time. Specifically mention how often your steps reproduce the bug (100% / 50% / Rarely?)

Reproduction Files

If your bug is with Studio or the Roblox engine, upload a very simple place file to your thread that can be used to reproduce the bug. This file should contain the bare minimum to cause the bug to happen.

Always include reproduction (repro) files for bugs that only happen with specific scripts / place setups / instances / etc!

If your repro file contains private content, you should DM it to the Logs / Crash Dumps / Other Bug Files group. Include a link to the DM in your thread. This link is only viewable by Roblox employees

How to create a repro placefile

If you are seeing an issue that you can reproduce 100% of time, or at least intermittently (e.g. it happens 1 out of 10 times), the best way to report this is - to attach a “minimal repro” placefile:

  1. Take the place where you see the problem and make a duplicate of it.
  2. Remove as much content as possible to reduce it to the bare minimum that still exhibits the issue.
  3. If some actions need to be taken to see the problem, consider scripting it so that this happens automatically.
  4. Attach the placefile to your report.
  5. Describe what happens vs what you expected.
  6. If you know you did something special (e.g. set some property to an unusual value etc), specify those details in the description.

An example description:

Just load this into Studio and press Run.
You will see an explosion, which will run for a few seconds, but then abruptly disappear before finishing the animation.
I expect the explosion to finish fading.
This happens because I changed TimeScale on the explosion to a very small value.

:exclamation: Required Information :exclamation:

You must include this extra supporting information:

If your bug is happening on the website:

  • Make sure the bug still happens if you disable all of your browser extensions.

  • Include what browser version you are using.

If your bug only happens to a specific game / user / group / etc:

  • Make a repro file as simple as possible that causes the bug. Otherwise, include direct links to the affected game / user / group; engineers will not know what “my group” or “game-name” means.

If your bug is happening in Studio:

If you are crashing / freezing / disconnecting / having problems running Roblox or Studio:
(Review the difference between crashes, freezes, and disconnects, make sure you use the right word!)

If Roblox is lagging or running slowly:

If you have graphics problems or Roblox looks wrong:

How do I stop the server from kicking players trying to join
Camera stutters while interpolating at high velocities
StarterGear not accessible from server
Weird avatar bug
Connection issues
About the Mobile Bugs category
Roblox Game Crash Issue
ROBLOXCRITICAL Wrongful Circular require errors?
Chat creating a gap between messages?
Future Is Bright Can't Load Unions
Cilent Crashing Bug or 'Screen Freezing'
Roblox motor bugs
Weird joining issue when creating servers from New Zealand
Pixelated Textures gets blurry
Team Create Bugs. Post 'em Here!
Some places were reset; reverting impossible!
ROBLOX Site is Down (MAJOR)
About the Website Bugs category
[ROBLOXCRITICAL] Unable to join any game
Text delayed when typed into script (macOS Sierra)
Exploiters crashing server
Mouse will not lock
Roblox Studio Crashing on Startup
The Flashy-Polygons Bug
[Full Release] Important Changes to Inertia and Volume Calculations
Cant Remove the Shared places
Walking in straight lines impossible far from the origin
Studio freezing up when importing
How do I find the source of an error message?
Green Glitch Screen bug
My draft disappeared, after reopening studio it came back but as a deleted script and I cannot get rid of it
BillboardGuis do not handle AnchorPoint correctly
ROBLOXCRITICAL Data Persistence CURL Error: Couldn't Resolve Host Name
Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum
Character + nearby geometry not being rendered
New Members - Post Approval Process 101
MaxVisibleGraphemes not working anymore?
Message Router Service disconnected
Add a topic template for bug reports
"Sleeper" physics issues
Roblox Animation Editor IK issue
Mmmm yes all my Studio Version Histories got corrupted
Animation Editor Broken
Have to upload twice for Mesh to show
Can't edit games, randomly getting `Could not open the place "###" with exception: "Unable to open the place"`
About the Engine Bugs category
Delay in selecting objects in explorer with large script open
[ROBLOXCRITICAL.] Ordered data store GetAsync returning nil
Studio Crashes when taking a Screenshot via screenshot tool in Roblox Studio
[SERIOUS] Group gamepass page blank
Please remove this post
Unable to update
Extreme Network Lag-spikes
Physics sleep still an issue
Annoying lighting bug
100% Datastore GetAsync Error 502
No popup windows will open in some places
About the Studio Bugs category
Graphical Gore: "Friends" on home page [FIXED]
Can't login into roblox studio
Granting audio access not working correctly
Light is appearing in sky for no reason
Vertical Screen Option isn't Accessible
Studio Is Broken, Literally
Studio Design Refresh - Docking Overhaul & Ribbon Upgrade
LocalScript replication is broken - game is unplayable
3D Import Recap [Apr - May 2023]
I literally cannot play Roblox right now
Highlights looking wierd
Clearly explain how members should message @Bug-Support and make that info easily accessible
Clearly explain how members should message @Bug-Support and make that info easily accessible
Clearly explain how members should message @Bug-Support and make that info easily accessible
Clearly explain how members should message @Bug-Support and make that info easily accessible
Uploading UGC accessories in groups do not show up in recently published
Change the "How to post a Bug Report" to tell people who are non-regulars where to post
Notification error from random topics
AutoRotate jitters with a Cameraoffset
Studio windows go black and flicker after a while
Local Server tests result in 279 error
Autosave deletes ongoing color wheel selections
Why i cant create bug report topic?
Cannot Play Game - Automatically Crashes
Missing Indices warning is no longer accurate
Lighting Shadow Don't Work Bug
Roblox Studio sometimes freezes after pressing Undo
game.GameId is returning 0 when running a local test with 2 clients
UGC Limited 10% Resale amount doesn't appear in Sale CSV Export
Intuitive Debugger: `Delete All Breakpoints` window does not respond to keyboard
What is going on with the roblox client recently?
Monitor Completely blacks out when using 'Actual Resolution'
Creator Dashboard is not loading
Cannot vote on any games
Unable to distribute UGC limiteds in game
Autosave Freezes + Doesnt turn off + Team create completely broken
Script editor window resizing itself when opening new script
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Script editor Ctrl+F find text font color
Weekly inconsistent results with loading group experiences directly in Studio
Viewport completely broken when using device emulator
Particle Emitters randomly getting deleted from game
About the Roblox Application and Website Bugs category
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox crashes on startup
"Trying to set locked parent!" ambiguous warning
workspace:GetServerTimeNow() is messed up when called in parallel
BillboardGUIs with LightingInfluence=0 are still influenced by lighting
Right-to-left Text Support
Intuitive Debugger: I have to do 2 clicks (and sometimes 3 clicks) to go to the breakpoint line
Script editor autocomplete is taking too long to autocomplete what I'm typing
Breeze into Wind! [Fully Released]
'Intuitive Debugger' when using a 2-player local test causes one of those players to have game.PlaceId = 0 & game.GameId = 0
UI Visibility button randomly is greyed out and not usable
PitchShiftSoundEffect causes a "pop" at the beginning of the sound effect
Drafts menu never stays where I put it between reboots
Erroneous bloom, blur and glowing rendering artifacts in Studio
The studio closes every time i run
Roblox Error Code 403 "Error Occurred During Authentication."
ScrollingFrame.AutomaticCanvasSize not working with UIListLayout and/or AutomaticSized Children
Shift/Ctrl in the Drafts tab do not function naturally
When restarting Studio, the scripts you had open are gone and a "random" set of scripts are open from weeks prior
Script RunContext "Client" does not execute when becoming cloned in and parented
Explorer not jumping to desired instance upon physical selection/manipulation
Studio freezing up when importing
When the Intellisense box appears and you press enter, it will disappear and reappear
Touched event does not register hits from other players, when connected on the client
'Starting Roblox' crashes
Touched event does not register hits from other players, when connected on the client
Sound got terms of use violation?
Avatar Bodies are Being Rejected (Despite fitting criteria / validation)
'Start server' caused my 3rd crash in 10 min [Incl. crashlogs]
Feedback on "Roblox Engine API Reference"
Roblox studio keeps crashing
Dual Illuminas (and other dual swords) look goofy with skinny r15 avatars
Drafts Appearing Loses Focus
Not being able to make a topic in bug reports
You released a virus in your maya reference files
About the Purchasing Bugs category
About the Creator Hub ( Bugs category
About the Other Bugs category
About the Cloud Services Bugs category
Random "kicked due to unexpected client behavior" kick message
JumpPower and Jumping are acting inconsistently
Opening Place Gives Error
Incorrect “not in scope” in “My Watches” while debugging
Roblox player doesn't open after installing
Can't publish UGC items even with 1000 R$ Premium & ID verified
Talenthub Issues
Mproved body bundle never getting approved regardless what i do
Issues with animation editor on custom rig
Roblox Studio freezes repeatedly when executing Find All after closing several files
Release Notes for 620
Controller Script Erroring A LOT
Immense Lag on Roblox Studio and Player
Cannot start test servers on Mac OS
AutomaticSize not updating when object is set to be visible
ScrollingFrame.AutomaticCanvasSize not working with UIListLayout and/or AutomaticSized Children
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
DataStore requests will constantly throw HTTP 429 errors, breaking my game
Bug Report: Roblox Studio Flashing repeadetly
Keyframe heavy animations play unreliably
Roblox studio in-game Mouse cursor bug
Can not set UGC prices due to repetitive error
TextChatService and Spatial Voice on non-humanoid objects
Can't run specific game ads
Can't make game public
An unexpected error occurred and Roblox needs to quit. Sorry!
Bandicam game client capture is no longer possible
Can't switch tools in Animation Editor
Floating Point Reaching Very Early [ Under 10k studs ]
Introducing Builder Font + Deprecating Gotham and Arial
Double Moderation Of Assets
When clicking the “Roblox Profile” button on a user’s profile, it will extremely rarely will not load & falls back to your own profile
"Default" button on Profile Picture editor resets full body shot thumbnail incorrectly
In-experience Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) APIs now available in published experiences [Beta]
Studio Move/Scale tools - poor performance
Tweening BG Color of a Frame containing UI Gradient issue
Feedback on "Roblox Studio setup"
Objects become invisible while Part with a certain SpecialMesh is present
Add a Devforum FAQ for Feature Requests/Bug Support group acceptance
Normally written to rbxl file has become unreadable
If you put the ID of a hat you want in your Avatar Advanced Hat setting, you automatically get it for free
New Framerate Inverts Controls
Unable to upload some images to Roblox without failing or mangled results
The UnionAsync problem
Not able to play games via website and can't interact with website
Cannot commit any scripts (Http 500)
Studio crashes when I try to open any place
[Urgent Update] Game parts flashing
Closed, Thank you
Tools randomly being removed from player in studio test servers
Stopping a Play Solo session while one of a WeldConstraint's parts are parented to nil will crash studio
User erroneously double-charged for gamepass
Something's wrong with ROBLOX Player? [Discord overlay]
Roblox Client Not Opening
Inserting anything after "variable." crashes studio (CRITICAL BUG)
New Studio Start Page
Can't move with the controller
Wonky Camera Happens Randomly
Player.Team doesn't replicate to new players when first connecting
Roblox Studio & Player is buggy
Giant lag spike when respawning
Avatar auto-setup face rigging splits edges with sharp normals
Roblox client crashing when I join a game
Completely crashing
CFraming & Rendering Bug(Floating Point Errors)
Game is very broken and many things don't work
Tool falling off the character for no apparent reason?
Ctrl - U shortcut to unmodel is inconsistent
Client crashing when launching game from website
Some audio's don't work
Profile 'Currently Wearing' tabs barely visible
Roblox Freezing randomly after sometime
Major Issue with UGC ICONS
Some pages are not loading in the App
Roblox causing BSOD
Billboard Gui and Viewport Frame update 1 frame later
Roblox Crashed, Try perfom clean installstion
Studio super laggy and frequently crashing?
Roblox Studio crashes when importing animations
when ever I try to import or publish a animation with Animation Editor roblox studio crashes there's no solution found yet
Unable to claim the hunt UGC
Still banned after vc is out of beta
TriggerPoint has two "Background"s by default, both with Visible = true
Instancing Rendering Bug with Neons
Neon texture not rendering
Disappearing Code
Cilent Crashing Bug or 'Screen Freezing'
[Minor] Game descriptions
Unions Aren't Loading
Xbox players are losing jump controls and more in Jailbreak
Studio crashing whenever I put code in a specific place?
VIP Server Purchases go to the old owner of the game (and group) rather than group funds
My ships become very unstable with the PGS physics solver
Physics in my game doesn't work correctly anymore
Meshpart collisions are broken
Xbox memory WAY worse than PC
Frequent Server Crashes caused by LoadCharacter Usage
Chatting System Bug: Flashes Randomly
Circle looking like an oval on other screen sizes
ContentProvider acting strange
How to report and debug a crash of Roblox Studio when playing a game
Can't edit universe?
Computer stats and FPS show up in top left of player gui
Terrain generation flat out doesn't work
HipHeight changing on characters with custom scaling?
Particle Emitter Drag value ; Visual glitch
Random Lag after recent ROBLOX client update
Strange DataStore CURL error causing DataStore service to fail most, if not all, of the time across many games
Union Transparency Bug
Random surge of xbox players every few days
Can't edit R15 character's body color
Team Create Camera (Not Working)
CSG shadow problem
Opening new dev console freezes Roblox
Widespread Publishing Error Affecting Most Games
Update Bug Report Guidelines - Critical Situations
Block-Corner with Decals has weird AA
Studio not responding but not frozen - Mac OS X
Super laggy script editor on Mac - fixed
Launcher freezes at 28% when opening a place
Studio Play Button in Ribbon Deleting Explorer Content
ROBLOXCRITICAL Roblox client crashes using TeleportService
Studio deleting things from place
Render Perform and Present functions are too intensive?
Suddenly z-fighting glitches?
Set- & GetTeleportSetting doesn't persist across servers on the server
Urgent kick message bug?
Chat is still selectable in my game, when SetCoreGuiEnabled disabled it
ROBLOX Studio disconnecting on server launch
[Appears Fixed] Tools randomly disappearing
Client consumes my internet connection
Can't open places in studio
Cannot change group logo
Textures render through completely non-transparent bricks at certain camera angles
Plugin settings are reset in Play Solo
Animation Play Broken
Leaderboards being broken
StarterCharacters no longer load shirts & pants
ROBLOX Sidebar glitches in Chrome
ROBLOXCRITICAL Random crashing? (Destroying sounds after playing)
My cursor is having a seizure when I hover it on solo mode
Roblox not opening or loading games
About the Xbox Bugs category
Group Stores showing thousands of pages of seemingly random Catalog items
Unachored Parts and models not falling down
Studio freezes when inserting
Recently played games tab broken
Team Create takes three hours to load on new games
[Italian Translation] Official Rules of the Roblox Developer Forum - Regole Ufficiali del Roblox Developer Forum
Update 'How to post a Bug Report' to guide Members posting
Pressing Play does absolutely nothing
UIGridLayout AbsoluteContentSize Incorrect (With UIScale)
Team Create Bugs. Post 'em Here!
Unknown error when I try to make groups?
New Animation Curve Editor: Fine Grain Control of Animations
[HELP] Terrain Issue
Centralized documentation for humanoid bugs
Getting lots of studio crashes - extremely difficult to develop
Leaderboards all of a sudden random order
Studio FPS Dropping with Lua widgets open
Studio Crashes When Opening Saved Place
Studio Crashes immediately after 100% of loading whenever a place or file is opened
Can't import meshes because Studio thinks I'm logged out (I'm not)
Studio Closing without an Error
Script Editor in Roblox Studio not moving to next line
Eyelashes and Eyebrows DOES NOT Resize Based on Skinned Mesh and their Body Shape (Masculine)
VR immediately crashes when you try to interact with any surface gui
Weird joining issue when creating servers from New Zealand
Recommended games show thumbnails instead of game icon
Lua Widgets make Script Editor Unusable due to Lag
Tickets currency back in the audit log section of group management
Studio updater "file used by another process" bug
Some developers cannot see the Robux per Visit graph under their game's Developer Stats
I think my place is interrupted not sure
Image assets fail to load
Packages getting Web Copy Error: Http fails
Can't upload or publish games
Remote Servers / "Internet Connection" Error
My client is verry slow
Insert Object menu is illegible
SpecialMesh Texture Not Rendering Correctly
Error when trying to build on another place
Unable to open group place
Plugin Installed Tab Frozen
Announcing the Bug Report Wizard Beta
[Activated!] Sleeping Part Behavior Improvements
Pressing dot on Numpad doesn't work for In-Game Chat
Is this a corrupted place?
Animation does not play on Local Client, from which the LocalScript plays the animation. It plays on all other clients, and on server
Updated workflow when modified Package blocks Place publish
Series of Studio Game Settings bugs
Undo is not restoring an object from instance:Destroy()
Names showing before button purchase
Access code for private server is not valid when joining via game page
Oversized emulator breaks studio UI
Studio Freezing while debugging
Studio Random Freeze Bug On Test
Some of NPC's parts aren't being animated
Notification Number Isn't Centered
Constantly getting disconnected from Team Create
Bad alignment on dragging a set of parts
ParticleEmitter Desync Bug
Cannot open new studio window from within studio
SerializerPugi: Ill-Formed XML
Explicitly clarify that using Development Discussion to circumvent Platform Feedback post restrictions is not allowed and stop dismissing those flags
Unable to open file, I think roblox corrupted my place file?
Badges don't work in multi-place games
So many things Broken on Roblox Studio Mac
Animator has to be placed under humanoid or AnimationController
Script view in Studio performance drop with new highlighter
Shirt not showing on avatar when wearing it
Studio is crashing on startup
Printing table with instance as key uses instance ID
About the Bug Reports category
How do I fix the terrain tool?
Studio CollisionFidelity broken while building/placing Meshparts
Grey screen never goes away
Known issue for Macbooks running macOS 10.12 (Sierra) and higher
CornerRadius Decreasing on UI Object Select
WireframeHandleAdornment doesn't render on top, even when AlwaysOnTop
Studio crashing after clicking play, then stop
RichText [TextScaled Support Added]
New Part Collision Property: CanTouch [ACTIVATED]
Roblox game sorts are incredibly unreliable, inaccurate and unfair
About the Talent Hub Bugs category
Script not running in Studio but working in game?
Animation playing old version(temp cache)
Client-sided RemoteEvent memory leak
Team Create/Unions
GetRankInGroup failed because HTTP 0
Unable to see billboard guis from the servers point of view
Unable to open place
HTTP Request Causing Studio to Break
About the Education Bugs category
Strange unfriend bug
3D Layered Clothing is Now Available!
Unable to publish or overwrite certain games
Future lighting not rendering in studio
Animation Editor 3.0
Characters have a new part called 'NewHead'?
Union re renders although it remains a descendant of workspace
Script is not working no errors and commited script
Studio crashes while trying to open new template
Random i frame obstructing essential buttons
Add something that says to contact bug support in the "How to post a bug report" topic
Parts shifting ingame
New Part Collision Property: CanQuery - Now Available!
UICorner [Live]
Some games are currently unjoinable - Error Code: 260
Cannot move character with certain avatar packages / animations
Strange sudden Camera movements (Mac)
Introducing the Accessory Fitting Tool
VR doesn't work at all occasionally
Right to Left Text Support - Phase 2
About the Catalog Asset Bugs category
Creator Dashboard three dot bug
Game settings options screen can freeze/softlock studio

Example Bug Reports

Click to expand

Studio Bugs: Studio crashes when resizing any 5x5x5 part

Roblox Studio will always crash when you try to resize a 5x5x5 size part using the resize tool, the properties widget, or command bar. Parts of any other size do not crash.

This happens only in Studio.
This started happening on December 20.


With Resize tool or Properties widget:

  • Create a part and set its size to 5,5,5 using the properties widget.
  • Select the part and choose the resize tool, or select the size field in the properties widget.
  • Try to resize the part, Studio will crash.

With script run from command bar:

local p ="Part", workspace)
p.Size =,5,5)
p.Size =,10,10) -- Crashes

Both methods will crash 100% of the time.

Crash Dump

Engine Bugs: Character spawns with green head in live games

When your character spawns in-game, your head will always be green.
This does not happen in Studio, it only happens in a real game.

This started happening today.
As far as I can tell, this happens 100% of the time with both R6 and R15 characters.


Engine Bugs: Glass material renders completely black

In-game and in Studio the glass material renders completely black.

This happens 100% of the time for me, but other people I’ve asked don’t have this problem.
This has been happening since I got my new GPU on December 20.


OS: Windows 10 Home
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070

This is what a default part inserted in Studio and changed to the glass material looks like for me.


Engine Bugs: Lag when creating ParticleEmitters

Sometimes when a ParticleEmitter is created by either the server or the client, Roblox will have a brief lag spike. Parenting the ParticleEmitter is not required, simply creating it with a script will cause the problem.

This started happening today.
This happens in-game, and in Studio about 50% of the time a ParticleEmitter is created.
This only happens with ParticleEmitters.


  • Run the below code.
  • Roblox will freeze briefly about 50% of the time after “Creating” is printed.
while wait(1) do
	local p ="ParticleEmitter")

ParticleEmitterLagExample.rbxl (17.2 KB)


If you look closely, you can see Roblox freezing briefly.

GIF | Gfycat

Microprofiler Dump

You can clearly see one of the lag spikes in this dump.
microprofile-20191220-022927.html (1.1 MB)

Strange issue prevents data from saving in all places unless someone else joins Team Create
Studio crashes on window refocus
Servers crashing for an unknown reason
Sorry, this place could not be loaded. Details: "std::exception"
Severe lag when editing anything in "Server" mode of Play Solo
My game server crashes when certain people come in
Roblox immediately crashes when launching
Experiencing Studio Breaking Issues Caused by Scripts
Roblox Application Auto Close while running other games with EAC
PC: Games sometimes crash while loading, opening settings menu causing 3-second lag spikes, random 3-second lag spikes
Roblox client does not stay open for more than 15 seconds, crashes
When the Universal App crashes a blank screen displays
Roblox Client Crash on Mobile Device when Joining "Despicable Me 4 Heist Obby
Studio Loops Install / Crash without Opening
Roblox client randomly closes without notice
Roblox keeps timing out on start
CRASH: Failed To allocate VRAM
When i write coding my studio crash
GPUs that don’t support OpenGL 3.3 fail to load the game
Browser client doesn't join the experiences, instead, it opens Main Menu
Roblox studio crashing. | restarted, ran as administartor, reinstalled
Roblox studio crashing/closing instantly when watching a model with lot of parts
Roblox Studio suddently crash after multiples Play Test
Roblox crashes everytime I want to play. Have to join three times
Strafing animations crashing roblox studio on playtest
Consistent studio crashing around 5 minutes after opening place

How to Find Log Files


  • :warning: These log files may contain sensitive information, so it’s important they’re NOT posted publicly, send them to Logs / Crash Dumps / Other Bug Files.

  • It is important you identify the correct log files! Make sure you are sorting by last modified or finding the most recent logs by timestamp.

Roblox / Studio successfully opens

  • Go to %localappdata%/Roblox/logs.
  • Sort the directory you opened by Last Modified.
  • Take the latest log_xxxxx_x.txt file.

  • Go to ~Library/Logs/Roblox.
  • Library can be found under Go > Library (you may need to hold down Option if it isn’t there).
  • Sort the directory you opened by Last Modified.
  • Take the latest log_xxxxx_x.txt file.

Roblox / Studio does not open properly

Include the logs from the above section if they exist.

  • Go to %localappdata%\Temp and sort the folder by Last Modified
  • Take the latest two RBX-xxxxxxxx.log files

  • Go to ~Library/Logs/Roblox and sort the folder by Last Modified
  • Library can be found under Go > Library (you may need to hold down Option if it isn’t there).
  • Take the latest bootstrapper_xxxxxx_x.txt file.

If the issue is freezing, loading forever, or similar, wait a few minutes before following these instructions to copy the log files so that there is enough time for long operations to get logged.

DM the log files to the Logs / Crash Dumps / Other Bug Files group. Include a link to the DM in your thread. This link is only viewable by Roblox employees.

Can't edit games, randomly getting `Could not open the place "###" with exception: "Unable to open the place"`
Publishing local files rarely ever actually publishes the local file
Studio unable to load icons
"Login error. Please try again." message when attempting to open Studio
Cannot publish place using publish to
Notice about issues with opening Places
Cursor Infinitely stuck loading when inserting models
Can't upload or publish games
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Team Create Operation Failed: Cannot Access Universe Settings
Roblox Player Model not Appearing Once Playing in Studio
Unable to open a new team create place
What is going on with the roblox client recently?
Studio Failing to close and save
Roblox player mysteriously crashes/closes with no error in my game
Roblox Studio crashing while exporting meshes from Roblox
Client-side crashing at random on all devices within past couple days
Roblox Studio freezes when computer is left idle
Unable to open the place Roblox Studio Bug
Unable to open studio
Error in Opening Places after Mesh Uploading
Multiple Tools in Roblox Studio Broken when Any Plugin is Enabled
Team Create place cannot be opened after uploading a developer product
Roblox Studio "Unable to open place" error
Studio Crashes On Play or Loads Infinitely
Unable to open any Team Create place in studio since the latest update
Team Create Out Of Sync
Inability to load place saves on MacOS Catalina
Excessive Publish Times + Unable to Publish to Roblox
Drafts inconsistently breaking in studio
Studio place frozen for 5-10 minutes until it eventually loads
All my plugins have disappeared
First mesh imported when opening studio is rejected
All my plugins have disappeared
ROBLOX Studio Freezes And Consumes RAM Over Time After Stopping Play-Test
Everything except the baseplate is unanchored
Plugins not working in Studio on Mac
Smearing and graphical issues on Studio since latest update (0.573.0.5730507)
Issue with API (only in-game) with HTTP requests resulting in "NetFail"
Report Menu Instantly Closes Menu
Studio Audio Bug [Can't Fine Audio]
I freeze in any roblox game after 10 seconds. Engine problem
Crash when autocomplete popup for `print()` shows up, using the new Beta Luau Type Solver
Roblox crashing when loading my games that are using videoframes in "Play Solo"
AI assistant not working
Broken Interface, Start page
Roblox client has a chance to not open
Plugin Manager Doesn't Load All Plugins
[Early Preview] Studio Script Sync
[CRITICAL] Future Lighting Technology crashes Roblox Player and Studio

How to Get Dump Files


How to find dumps automatically generated on crash

Crashes are when you get a crash dialog/popup or the program closes on its own. If you get a white screen / spinning beachball cursor, this is NOT a crash! See the freezes/hangs section below.

  • Go to %localappdata%/Roblox/logs and sort the folder by Last Modified.
  • Take the first .DMP file (if you don’t see one, it may be in /archive).

  • Open the terminal and run open $TMPDIR
  • Sort the folder by Last Modified.
  • Take the first .DMP file.

How to generate dump files for freezes/hangs

If your problem is with Studio, FIRST, make sure all plugins are disabled from File > Advanced > Manage Plugins to verify the cause is Studio. Include in your bug report that you tested with all plugins disabled.

  • Open the Task Manager with Ctrl+Shift+Escape.
  • Find RobloxStudio in either the Details (Windows 10) or Processes tab.
  • Right click and select “Create dump file”.
  • Take the .DMP file shown in the resulting popup dialog.

  • Open the Activity Monitor from within Applications > Utilities.
  • Select Roblox / Roblox Studio.
  • Click the action menu in the toolbar (Gear Dropdown) > Sample Process.
  • Take the .txt file saved in the proceeding dialog.

Generate 3 or more dump files like this, each a few minutes apart.

Once you have the dumps/samples from either of the above steps, they are too large to share on the forum. You will need to upload them to a file hosting service (e.g. Google Drive, Dropbox). Zipping and compressing these first will often make them a manageable size.

DM the dump files to the Logs / Crash Dumps / Other Bug Files group. Include a link to the DM in your thread. This link is only viewable by Roblox employees.

Massive lag when selecting first part in a server
Studio crashes suddenly very frequent
ROBLOX Studio - Freezing up / insane memory usage
I can't publish over my existing published place
Using the Microprofiler
Everytime i open roblox my pc just restarts
PlayerListManager running heavy computations causing stutter while moving character and mouse
What is going on with the roblox client recently?
Studio place frozen for 5-10 minutes until it eventually loads
Studio Crashes When Opening The Object Browser and What's New Menus While Editing Place
Bug Report Wizard directs users to find instructions at a non-existent/incorrect post when reporting a Creator Hub website bug
Studio Crashes When Opening The Object Browser and What's New Menus While Editing Place
Microsoft Store client crashes when trying to connect to private servers
Roblox Studio freezes when computer is left idle
Talent hub breaking?
Cannot open saved place file, error occurs
Auto Save crash studio sometimes
(Un)equipping tools is laggy for rendering tool model
Auto Save crash studio sometimes
Roblox Studio crashing while exporting meshes from Roblox
Selecting 'Workspace' results in 5 seconds of lag and interrupts everyone elses' workflow
When player joins the game or respawns, the client freezes for a few seconds
When player joins the game or respawns, the client freezes for a few seconds
Roblox Studio crashing on Play Solo
Bug Report Wizard directs users to find instructions at a non-existent/incorrect post when reporting a Creator Hub website bug
Autosave Freezes Studio Actions
Roblox freezes for five minutes, then crashes
[Early Preview] Studio Script Sync

How to Get Microprofiler Dumps

If Roblox or Studio is stuttering or running slowly, but not completely frozen, you can provide a microprofiler dump to help engineers find the problem.

  • Open the microprofiler with Ctrl+F6.
  • Once the stuttering / slowness happens, press Ctrl+P to pause the microprofiler.
  • From the top menu bar, click Dump > 32 frames.
  • Go to your logs folder
  • Sort the folder by Last Modified.
  • Find the latest microprofile-yyyymmdd-xxxxxx.html file.
  • Open the file in your browser and make sure that it captured the performance problem (there should be a spike near the right side of the timeline at the top).

You can directly upload this HTML file to your bug report.

Low FPS on a high-end system (FPS counter says 60, but feels like it's 15 - 30)
Studio on mac tremendously laggy
Takes multiple seconds to add characters into the Script Editor
Mesh deformation characters with lots of bones lags when Constraint Details enabled
64-Bit Client causes random CPU spikes in-game
LAG SPIKES With Replicated Part Garbage Collection
Consistent frame drops at the beginning of the server
Player not loading into game for a minute
FPS drop from 60 to 14 Frames Per Second
Certain windows causes framerate issues
Mac Studio framerate drops
Roblox Studio very slow performance when window in focus
Parenting any instance causes a freeze of 0.1 second per instance
Studio Freezes for a few seconds when character dies
Studio Editing Viewport is freezing sometimes
Buggy explorer dragging while in script editor
Extreme hanging when loading Assets/User Interface or entering an experience
Can no longer open my game in studio. Freezes application
Performance Degradation in Roblox Studio
Major Studio performance issues
Most features in Terrain Editor cause significant FPS drop
Studio Freezes for a few seconds when character dies
64-Bit Client causes random CPU spikes in-game
Selecting 'Workspace' results in 5 seconds of lag and interrupts everyone elses' workflow
Play Solo takes 30+ seconds
Studio Freezes Every Second
D3D11 & Vulkan cause FPS to drop to 30
Roblox Studio Capping Frames Lower and Lower per Docked Widget
Large disparity between Studio solo test performance and actual game performance
Parenting an object to a script causes a crash
Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements
Studio starts lagging when Toolbox window is not in view
Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements
Next Gen Explorer Beta: Performance and Quality Improvements
Studio keeps freezing
Studio Trailing Behind
Widget Plugin Gui halving my fps
Raycasts incurring abnormally high costs
Opening the menu while in-game or playtesting causes intense lag and freezes Roblox temporarily
Game stutters after changing any value. happens after ~1-4 hours
Insane Lag possibly related to switching windows
Studio lagging immensely
Plugin Dock / Widget degrades performance when visible
Studio has terrible FPS and is lowered by Toolbox widget
Framerate is unstable & fluctuating during play-testing in studio
Studio widgets hurting performance with G-SYNC enabled

Providing System Information

Minimal Information

This information is usually enough for a bug report unless asked for by an engineer.

If you’re on Mac, engineers prefer if you follow the steps below, even if you already know your system information. If you’re on Windows and know your system information, you can just include your OS, CPU & GPU models, and RAM amount in your bug report (otherwise, follow the steps below).

  • Click the Apple icon in the top left of the screen and select About This Mac.
  • Include a screenshot of the dialog that appears.

Windows 10
  • Open Task Manager with Ctrl + Shift + Escape.
  • Go to the Performance tab.
  • Click the CPU, Memory, and GPU tabs and include the information in the top-right in your bug report.
    • e.g. Intel(R) … @ 3.0 GHz, 16 GB, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970

Older versions of Windows
  • Type dxdiag in the start menu (or in the Run dialog) and press enter.
  • If a popup appears about “digitally signed drivers”, click “Yes”.
  • Include the values from Operating System, Processor, and Memory on the System page, and the Name from the Display 1 page in your bug report.

Advanced Information

Engineers will ask you for this information if needed.

  • Click the Apple icon in the top left of the screen and select About This Mac.
  • Include a screenshot of the dialog that appears.
  • Click System Report....
  • Click File > Save.
  • :warning: This full system report contains sensitive information, so it’s important it’s NOT posted publicly.

  • Type dxdiag in the start menu (or in the Run dialog) and press enter.
  • If a popup appears about “digitally signed drivers”, click “Yes”.
  • Click “Save All Information” and upload the generated DxDiag.txt file to your bug report thread.

Helping Correlate Backend Logs

If there is a problem on the backend / server (Roblox’s side), engineers will need to investigate their own logs. To find them (since they have too many to look through manually), they need:

  • The user ID of the account you were using when you had the issue.
  • The place ID / game ID of the game you were using when you had the issue.
  • If the issue is in Team Create, does it happen in a live game as well?
  • The date and time (including timezone) you had the issue. Be as precise as possible.
  • Your log files.
  • As much information that was shown to you as possible.
    • e.g. screenshots of errors and popups, HTTP status codes displayed in the UI, log files, etc.

What is the difference between crashes / hangs / disconnects?

It’s important to know which kind of bug you are reporting in order to be able to provide the right information in the bug report.


The entire application closes unexpectedly, usually with a dialog like

If the entire application doesn’t close (e.g. it just goes back to the start page) or an “Updating Roblox…” dialog appears shortly after, then it isn’t a crash. When a crash occurs, please include the crash dump and log files.

Freezes / Hangs

The application stops responding and is unable to be used, but is still open. On Mac, you will generally get the infinite spinning beachball cursor, while on Windows, the application will usually be marked with “(Not Responding)” and become slightly whiter like


Please include manually generated dumps for freezes / hangs.


The current session to the open place disconnects, but the application can otherwise be interacted with. In the game client, you will get a dialog like

while in Studio it will look like

Please include information to help us correlate backend logs for disconnects.


How to launch Studio without plugins enabled

User-installed plugins can change the behavior of Roblox Studio. If you have problems with crashing, freezing, strange behavior, etc. you should attempt to reproduce your bug with all of your plugins disabled before reporting it.

If the issue is caused by plugins, try to include a link to the plugin causing the problem, and try to check that your bug is not caused by faulty plugin programming, but instead is caused by faulty engine/Studio API that the plugin is using.

Windows 10
  • Shift + right click on your Roblox Studio shortcut, and choose “Open file location”.
  • Backspace the file path in the address bar in the explorer, and type “cmd”. Press enter.
  • In the black window that appears, type RobloxStudioBeta.exe -disableLoadUserPlugins. Press Enter.
  • Roblox Studio will start with all user plugins temporarily disabled.

  • Open Spotlight with Command + Space.
  • Search for and open “Terminal”.
  • Type open /Applications/ --args -disableLoadUserPlugins and press Enter.
  • Roblox Studio will start with all user plugins temporarily disabled.

How to copy terrain from one place into a repro file

If you have an issue with terrain in a place and don’t want to send your whole private game as a repro file, you can extract just the terrain. Even if the place isn’t sensitive, this can help reduce noise in the place when engineers are troubleshooting the bug.

Step 1: Open the place you want to copy terrain from in Studio and run the following in the command bar

workspace.Terrain:CopyRegion(workspace.Terrain.MaxExtents).Parent = workspace.Terrain


Step 2: Right click > Save As (.rbxm) the generated TerrainRegion parented under workspace.Terrain
Step 3: Create a new, empty baseplate and delete the baseplate + spawn
Step 4: Insert the TerrainRegion saved in step 2 through the Model tab > Model button and parent it to workspace.Terrain
Step 5: Run the following in the command bar:

workspace.Terrain:PasteRegion(workspace.Terrain.TerrainRegion,, -32000, -32000), false)

Step 6: Verify the bug still repros in the new place
Step 7: Delete the TerrainRegion, save the place as a repro file, and attach it to your bug report


Handling hyperion related solutions

NOTE: This text has been drawn from ‘Hyperion related solutions’ - for the original post, see here:

The document reads as follows:

"This short write-up is an attempt to have a centralized document that we can link to when guidance is needed.

Mini Q&A:

Q: Why is my Roblox player crashing?

A: There are basically two major categories of crashes:

  1. Crashes due to bugs in the Roblox player.

  2. Crashes induced by Hyperion due to the detection of unusual access to the Roblox player process.

Q: How can I distinguish between a Hyperion crash and a crash caused by Roblox player bugs?
A: Hyperion-induced crashes happen typically rather quickly right after starting the Roblox player.

If you suspect a Hyperion crash, what should you do?

Hyperion is rather strict when other processes attempt to access the address space belonging to the Roblox player, as this sort of behavior is typically a hallmark of malicious software. However, there is quite a high number of programs that are generally not malicious but demand unreasonable access rights to the process space of our Roblox player.

A typical example is tools simply needing to query statistics from processes in the system but, rather than opening the process with humble PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION access rights, attempting to open the process with PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS.

It is important to point out that proper digitally signed software is not subject to limited access. The keyword here is “proper,” as signatures can be outdated or otherwise invalid. In other words, the simple presence of a signature is not necessarily a guarantee that the signature is accepted.

To find the offending process, there are several strategies:

Strategy one:

  1. Terminate all processes and Windows services that are not absolutely necessary and try to rerun the Roblox player again.

  2. If the Roblox player runs, try starting the usual programs and Windows services one by one until the Roblox player crashes again.

Strategy Two:

Perform a clean boot as described by Microsoft and rerun the Roblox player.

How to perform a clean boot in Windows - Microsoft Support

Describes how to use the clean boot process to troubleshoot a problem in Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7, or Windows Vista.

Strategy Three:

Enable full crash dump for the Roblox crash uploader by following these simple steps:

  1. Create a file %LOCALAPPDATA%\Roblox\Versions<your-current-client-version-here>\ClientSettings\ClientAppSettings.json.

  2. Open the newly created file and add the following: {"DFIntWriteFullDmpPercent": 100}

  3. Rerun the Roblox player and let it crash.

  4. File a bug report as outlined here and attach the crash report as well as all log files to the report.

Strategy Four:

Use ProcDump to create a crash dump by following these steps:

  1. Download and extract ProcDump: ProcDump - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn 25.

  2. Create a folder called dumps (e.g., C:\dumps).

  3. Open an elevated command prompt where you extracted procdump and run this command: procdump -ma -i C:\dumps. Click Yes if any prompts appear.

  4. Now run Roblox player again, and it will automatically create a crash dump in C:\dumps. You can send us one of the dumps that are created there (there will likely be two of the same crash).

We hope this helps, and as always, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us. Thank you for your patience."

[64-bit client] Crashing after a couple minutes of play, every time
Hyperion Related Crash | Roblox crashes after less than a minute
Roblox crashes again
Unexpected client crashing
The application encountered an unrecoverable error
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
'Starting Roblox' crashes
Hyperion crash, crash dump file
I can't play roblox on my web browser anymore
Why my roblox won't start
External steering wheel crashes roblox
Roblox crashing with no error message
Unexpected roblox crash
Cant post bug report
Roblox randomly closing without error message [Permanent fix?]
Roblox keeps crashing on startup
Roblox Studio not launching on iMac M1
Roblox not launching
Roblox keeps crashing
Dragging objects in explorer causing display to glitch
Roblox Player won't launch after I click "Play" on an experience
Roblox client randomly closes without notice
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox Studio not launching on iMac M1
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox games load for about 3 seconds then instantly crash
Roblox client unexpectedly crashes without error message
Roblox won't launch after recently reinstalling windows
Computers Crashing A lot
Roblox process crashes after few seconds after launch.
Unable to rename a model that used to be a user's character
Roblox Player refuses to run on Windows Server 2025
Extremely bad ping. Constant freezes, unaccepttable gameplay
Cannot Upload Assets