Hi coders. I’m making a game that requires a doublejump feature, but I have no idea how to code. Right now I’m using ChatGPT, but it doesn’t seem to give me functional scripts for the double jumping to work.
I’m making this topic in hopes of someone to see it and be able to help, so here’s what I want the script to include incase:
A double jumping feature that pretty much just doubles your jump. Nothing extra.
If possible, refrain from using vectors, instead, like said double the jump.
Add a 5 second cooldown.
For now, each of Chat GPTs answers have failed, either stopping my avatar from moving completely, or falling to the ground only for the double jump to start then.
If anyone is to answer, please provide an explanation to what the script does, as I am looking to do my own scripts in the near future, if you are unable, I’d still highly appreciate the answer!