Each department has different responsibilities. Below, you will find what each department does and who you need to contact regarding any department concerns. After reading this forum, remember not to hesitate to ask any questions you may have for our department members. You can either contact these individuals via our communications server or via direct message.
The Public Relations Department manages all partnerships related to Dough Bakery, in other words, they manage our affiliates; filling out applications, reading applications, etc. In addition, the Public Relations Department is in charge of scheduling, hosting, and organizing all our events for the future; karaoke nights, game nights, community activities. We have an amazing team of people who have great imaginations that will aid our creativity of events for the future.
ha7ey - Vice President (Department Lead)
reIiviya - Chief Public Relations Officer (Department Co-Lead)
shineIoves - Executive Assistant
vyxes - Executive Assistant
This department focuses on monitoring staff behavior and their performance overall. If necessary, members of this department will be required to issue consequences of any form, whether that ranges from reminders, warnings, and terminations. While we most certainly will deal with further consequences, those are the main causes of a staff member acting disruptively. On top of this, we focus on dealing with inactivity notices and public ban appeals from our premise.
tuesdcys - Vice President (Department Lead)
EmmaRiddIe - Chief Operations Officer (Department Co-Lead)
vatefuI - Chief Operations Officer
mattsvibess - Executive Assistant
spklq - Executive Assistant
The Staffing Department is the department that manages all our staff, LR+. They manage all applications put out (LR - MR), they manage promotions, but also manages consequences as well; demotions, warnings, etc. The purpose of staffing is to simultaneously help someone looking for a fun and easy job find that job and find qualified candidates for an open position (LRs and MRs).
m6Iak - Vice President (Department Lead)
eIovies - Chief Staffing Officer (Department Co-Lead)
eaveils - Chief Staffing Officer
cupidcvlture - Executive Assistant
dreasmaid - Executive Assistant
inpulsing, Chairman
Dough Bakery