Download asset (if you're the uploader)

Occasionally I’ll find that I need to go back and edit an image I uploaded a while ago. I don’t have the file on my computer anymore, so I have to get the image from ROBLOX somehow. I can get is the 420x420 stretched image, but that’s not very useful to me if I had an abnormally sized image. There should be a “download asset” button on assets you uploaded. It’d probably be good if it was on all ROBLOX decals too so hat/gear textures would be easier to download and retexture.


If you feel you have to do this immediately and can’t wait for an official feature, you can use fiddler to get it easily.


For now, you can take the asset ID and append it to the following URL (I have it memorized for this reason):

You should also be aware that images are reencoded after being uploaded, probably to eliminate embedded data. So the asset on Roblox is not the same as your original file.


To anyone having the same problem, this is the new url (the one linked by Anaminus doesn’t work anymore):<content id here>


For some things you need to set your user agent to “Roblox/WinInet

none of these methods are working for me :frowning: how do you do it with this new creator marketplace?

The BTRoblox plugin allows you to achieve this behavior, along with an in website explorer.


@XAXA’s method still works, I somehow managed to get this image on my laptop after that [I originally got an unset file format thanks to the instant download which occured after a reset on windows]

image in question


though it’s better to follow @lolmansReturn’s advice unless you don’t trust any extensions

go on incognito tab on chrome while pasting in the id, for instance:

it will ask for confirmation where to download to on windows, select all files under the name, and then type (yourimagename).png

make sure you add .png


how do you change? I need to know how to change that.