Downloading Games

Hello Developers, I would like to bring a certain issue to attention which could solve a lot of internet/lag problems in game and help load times tremendously.

Currently as a developer, many users complain about internet and as we know a large portion of Roblox uses lower end computers which doesn’t directly compare to worse internet but it could also be the case. These user who complain are the ones who have outrageous load times and lag in game.

Roblox would be able to partially fix this by allowing a user to download the content of a game. Now, this sounds ridiculous but hear me out. Some developers don’t care as much about their assets being copied as others. In this case, a developer might be okay with letting their content be easier to copy.

Now, you may have the statement, “I don’t want my assets stolen.” This is why Roblox would have it toggleable for the developer to choose instead of giving Roblox the power to control what happens to your game.

Another way Roblox to help secure a developers assets is by using a new file format or having some sort of system that gives a game a token which can’t be modified and if someone tries to upload the file with the token, it messages or emails the developer which the developer can choose to allow or decline. (This would allow developers to make more than one place with the same game for testing purposes or other reasons.)

All in all, this would be a beneficial addition to Roblox which could improve load times and lag in games so players could worry less about internet and allow more for what they are truly playing Roblox for, the gameplay.


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