Drag and Drop Inventory Ui Grid Layout Issue

Hey Devs!

I’m attempting to create a ‘Drag and Drop’ Inventory System. Unfortunately, when working on the dragging, I’ve encountered an issue. Sometimes, when clicking and dragging the frames, they get weirdly offset compared to where my cursor is. Below is a video demonstration of what I mean:

I’m currently handling the drag and drop with This Module and I implemented it with the code below:

    local SlotFDrag = DragUtil.new(itemFClone)

	SlotFDrag.DragStarted = function()
		itemFClone.Parent = itemsSF.Dragging -- Gets parented to the 'Dragging' folder
	SlotFDrag.DragEnded = function()
	itemFClone.Parent = itemsSF -- Reparented to the original folder

My file structure looks like this:
