Hello, I would like to add the player’s character on their profile page in my game. This is simple, but how would I make them able to rotate the character in the frame?
Something similar to this is when you go on [this page] (Sombrero de fieltro azul verdoso destellante - Roblox) and you click on the “Wear” button. You can drag the character around.
Any help is appreciated!
You could first cover the viewport frame in a TextButton. Then do this:
-- Local script in StarterGui under the viewport
local viewport = script.Parent\
local uis = game:GetService('UserInputService')
local cam = viewport.CurrentCamera
local button = script.Parent.TextButton -- Assuming text button is a child of the viewport
local isdragging
isdragging = true
isdragging = false
if p or i.UserInputType ~= Enum.UserInputType.MouseMovement or not isdragging then return end
local delta = i.Delta
cam.CFrame *= CFrame.new(Vector3.new(),-delta)
This is just a prototype, it may not do the math properly