some drag detectors tutorials
need basic building skills
for some tutorials you need basic scripting skills or blender skills
Drag detectors are a new function you can make it easier to drag objects without scripting
note only the sliding wall and desk with drawers and stuff are complete more 2023-07-01T22:00:00Z
sliding wall
- Add a part it will be the wall.
- Add a drag detector into the wall. The wall must be an model as in image.
- Add a part under the wall so as on the image. Make the part visibility 1 and can collide false. then go to the properties from drag detector. inside the wall and set the ReferenceInstance on the part under the wall.
- Set the max drag translation as in the image or change it so if drag limited. What you want.
5 play test the game.
desk with drawers and stuff in it
- Made a desk with space for drawers.
- Made in blender (you can also made it as model in Roblox studio ). an drawer with space inside it.
- Made some stuff all stuff what you made must set to unanchored. in an model and ad an drag detector to this model it sall Fall apart but therefore you must weld it. how to weld it add inside the model an weld constant and weld all part by do part 0 1 part of the stuff and part 1 1 part of the stuff. As in the image. if you have more parts in the stuff ad an second weld constant. and do it again with the rest of the parts etc. The stuff must be an child of the drawer.
- Play test and open the drawers and pick the stuff from it.
ball game *basic scripting skills *Blender skills
- Add one part chape Block and one part shape wedge as on the image.
- Add two parts as in the image.
- Add between two parts an spring constaint. see the attachments and spring constaint in image. and add an part chape ball. And place it as the image name the ball and the part to it an name what you wont.
the rest od the steps be completed next week
4. Now make in blender an wall with holes see image then on the wall place an surface GUI and set text labels on it above each hole type in it the amount of points
5. Make a button with an click detector in it and an script make this script Preformatted text
6. Add in starter GUI an screen GUI and an text labbek in it in the text labbel place this script Preformatted text
7. Play test the game
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