DragDetector.DragContinue not firing

hello devs!
i have a problem with dragdetectors
this is my script:

	dragDetector.DragContinue:Connect(function(player:Player, cursorRay:Ray)
		print("not firing ):")

but sadly the dragcontin ue doesn’t work, the dragstart, dragend, etc… do fire, but the dragcontinue doesn’t.

by the way these are my drag detector properties (when i change to type from scriptable it works but I need it to be scriptable!!!)

	local dragDetector = Instance.new("DragDetector")
	dragDetector.DragStyle = Enum.DragDetectorDragStyle.Scriptable
	dragDetector.ResponseStyle = Enum.DragDetectorResponseStyle.Custom
	dragDetector.Enabled = true
	dragDetector.RunLocally = false
	dragDetector.PermissionPolicy = Enum.DragDetectorPermissionPolicy.Everybody
	dragDetector.Responsiveness = 100
	dragDetector.Parent = item

Hmm, and you are setting the SetDragStyleFunction to be some function? I’m guessing since you need it to be scriptable.
Just wondering if when it’s set to scriptable if the DragContinue event is tied to the execution of the DragStyleFunction.