DragDetectors [Beta]

Speaking about Team Test. We had a lot of fun last week testing different contraptions together. Highlight of the test was building a platform with a seat and four attached by ropes parts with Drag Detectors on them. That was fun!
Thanks @PrinceTybalt, @DeFactoCepti, @CaiusCosades0 and @Bogden for doing it!


Oh sure, it was fun for you, riding on your onyx throne, while we toiled to transport you!


We should have thrown @Urukeli over the baseplate :upside_down_face:


I’d like to follow up, yes I’ve tried restarting studio, and it still doesn’t work. I’ll see if its an issue with my plugins, although I highly doubt it.


i have create a sort puzzzle where you must drag parts to open another part this be a kill brick but i tested it and the parts drag not to the correct way


Hi @foodeggs7,

The game looks cool. i guess you are trying to make it so the blocks need to be moved in sequence?
So you are probably using non-anchored parts to take advantage of collisions to keep things on track?

You mention that the parts are not dragging the correct way. What are you trying to do and what’s going wrong? Can you describe or attach a video?

I would guess that you want the parts to move in the ground plane, which would be the default. I think if you just created those parts, that you could put default dragDetectors below your 4 moving blocks and that would let you slide them in sequence from upper right to lower left. What’s going wrong?


Well, when you hit ‘play’ the plugins shouldn’t matter.
You say you restarted studio. Did you delete studio altogether and reinstall it? Did you check the upper right to make sure there’s no update to install?


Are there any current solutions to enabling free mouse movement on Xbox? This would allow users to move the mouse freely without having to rotate their entire camera. Free mouse movement could be enabled on DragStart and disabled on DragEnd.


I indeed did, I’ve restarted studio before, I’ve restarted my computer, and just yesterday, I uninstalled studio, made sure there was no ‘Roblox’ folder in my AppData, then installed it again. Still nothing.


I believe that the XBox controller supports the virtual cursor.
If you game is virtual-cursor enabled (set Enabled to true for StarterGui.VirtualCursorMode), then when you play with XBox you should be able to use the virtual cursor to drag things without moving the camera.

I have not used XBox, only PS4 controllers but a little googling should help if you don’t know how to use it: “How do you move the cursor on Roblox Xbox controller? As an example, if you have an Xbox controller, you can hold down the Xbox button, then use the right stick to move the mouse, press the right trigger to click, or press the left trigger to right-click.”


Hello @PrinceTybalt,
Just to inform you that I fail to access the documentation for DragDetector, example shown below.

I also tried clicking on properties/methods/events relative to it, nothing to do, won’t display.

I tried on my usual web browser (vivaldi), and on edge, none of them work so nothing to do with cache.

HOWEVER, if I click on your link here:

I can access it, search it and it’ll find it UNLESS I click on something else… Kind of weird…

Could you look into it to resolve the issue? Thank you :slight_smile:


what you must do is drag parts so you can drag a killbrick (where you cannot jump over) i will set this in my obby the partd only drag in one way i have under it drawers placed like in your desk so dont move around

about obbys is there a way to drag object on the client side


Oops. Looks like something is wrong in our site.
We will look into it!
Thanks for reporting this, @Varonex_0


Looking neat, @foodeggs7 If things are not sliding in the direction you expect, I’d try different values for DragDetector.Axis: X, Y, and Z. You can also set the referenceInstance to a part or model and then the axis will be in reference to that object’s pivot.

Also, I noticed that the script set’s the parent’s anchored to false, but the parent is a model. The script does not set the property on the part, which is a sibling of the DragDetector.

Regarding client side dragging: yes, you can set DragDetector.RunLocally to true and then it will only drag on the client. You’ll need to move any scripts for the DragDetector to be LocalScripts located under StarterPlayer. And if you want the results to replicate, you’ll need to use remoteEvents to communicate with the server.


Today I gave DragDetectors a go now that they’re in beta. I decided to try them out by making some constraint doors in an old project of mine:

I think they’re really cool and provide some cool interactions that were previously a lot more difficult to make. I also think it’d be really cool if there was a built-in ResponseStyle that’s in between Geometric and Physical. Which would be the same as Geometric, but it would respect constraints just like Physical. I say this because I like how responsive Geometric is, but I don’t like how it doesn’t respect constraints (which makes sense). That’s just a thought I had while messing around.

Everything seems to work as I would expect, but some stuff leave me unsure on whether I want to use them in final products or not. It’s still really tough tracking down if I have the best DragStyle and correct Axis without any kind of visuals to assist me.

However, my largest gripe with them is not being able to drag them unless I have network ownership (at least that’s what I think is going on). You can see an example of what I’m talking about at 0:32 in the video. This happens all the time when I test them in studio and it gets annoying fast because I need to touch them to get them going.

I still haven’t tried everything that they have to offer, but that’s my current feedback. I can’t wait to see how they perform when they’re not in beta.


it sliding correct but how set the colussions it slide over each other
it is set to anchored as i set unanchored then it move and you can pick up it and drop away it
and it not sliding corect

(how you know of a part is a boy or gril :smile:)

with a frame above it it it not sliding and it is moving

the axis reset by restart


Hello @YasuYoshida ! This is beautiful work. This morning I also saw your post of it on twitter; but I’m glad you wrote here too so we can hear your thoughts.

We are looking into a better response that lets you have collisions when not moving with true physics. Others have asked for this too. The engine does not naturally support this, but it’s still reasonable to want this to work; so we have to be tricky about it and are looking into new approaches.

We did not add visual feedback in this first release but we may add them in the future. Judging from your work so far, I’m sure you could add some geometry to help; a line that points in the axis direction would not be hard to inject.

If you have questirons about specific DragStyles, I’m happy to answer,. But it looks like you have a good handle on it from the action in your video.

As for network ownership: you should be able to move an enabled DragDetector regardless of who has network ownership. I’ve noticed that in Studio play mode, you sometimes have to click a few times or wait around… it’s strange. But try using either local server 2-player test mode, or Team Test, and see if it works better. I find that much of that “stickiness” goes away when you are playing in these modes or an actual game.


So if I understand correctly: if the parts are anchored, they move, but they go through other parts. And if they are not anchored, you are having trouble getting them to move.
It looks like in you last video, things are quivering and trembling a bit. This makes me think that they are too close to their surrounding walls. It also looks like maybe the walls are too low for the parts to slide under. I would try making the sliders smaller and shorter for starters and see if you get enough room for them to move around.

If you are getting stuck and frustrated, you can post your place file and I will take a look.


I’m really not sure what to do for you. we haven’t heard about similar problems and it sounds like you’ve tried everything. Stupid question, but after you reinstalled did you turn on the beta again? I have run out of suggestions for the moment. Today is wednesday and a new update should be pushed out later in the day. Maybe that will help?


Hi Varonex. I saw the problem yesterday too, and reported it to our documentation team. They wrote back this morning saying it was working for them and…
… I tried it too and now the links seem fine.
Can you please confirm whether it’s fixed for you as well, or still a problem?