DragDetectors [Beta]

Does it work if you enter play-testing mode?

If you’re in edit mode, did you make sure you’re not actively using any other tools/plugins?

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Understandable, when I will get a moment to test them I will!


@ProtoValence It will work: in play test mode, in 2-or-more-player-local-server-test-mode, in studio edit mode, and in team create. it will not work in Team Test or in-game published experiences yet.

And yes, to use them in Studio Edit Mode or Team Create, you need to make sure that the Move, Translate, Rotate, and Scale tools are all deactivated. And also of course, your scripts will not respond in edit mode unless you explicitly run them using loadscript in the command line. But then they will.
If you don’t know that trick, try opening “DragDetectors TestWorld 2” and running this in the command line:

script = game.Workspace[“Particle LineSlider”].Model.ParticleLineSliderScript
loadstring("local script = game.Workspace[‘Particle LineSlider’].Model.ParticleLineSliderScript " … script.Source)()

Now your particles will respond to the slider even in Studio Edit mode

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Absolutely loving this feature, makes a simple interaction more accessible and stable for both players and developers!

I am wondering if this detector works on instances in a ViewportFrame? or if it is even possible?


3 more questions:
[1] do you see “DragDetector” in the + menu?
[2] try setting maxActivationDistance to 1000? Does that help?
[3] And… I have to ask… from the phrasing of your question… are you clicking and then dragging (moving the cursor)? Nothing happens if you just click and hold.

If you’re still stuck, I would [a] try deleteing and reinstalling studio, and [b] are you using one of the worlds or models that I uploaded? If not, try those, or post a game that I can download to try out.

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@nariox That’s great!
Instances in a ViewportFrame sound like a natural, but they live inside ScreenGUI, a completely different kind of 2D world than in the main window. It seems like it should work, but events don’t get sent to it the same way and so it would be a separate followup effort. Everything is possible. Part of why we are doing the beta is to find out what you want so we can prioritize.

  1. I do.
  2. I have and it still doesn’t work.
  3. I’m holding click and then moving my mouse.
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Do ClickDetectors work for you?
Did you try deleting and reinstalling Roblox Studio?
Can you describe the contents of the world you are testing?

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  1. Yes, they do.
  2. I haven’t tried that, I will right now.
  3. It was one of the test places you put in your post, I went into both and none of them worked for me.

Alright I misunderstood that concept and your message, it works like ProximityPrompt! How sweet!
Perfect, y’all thought about everything that’s awesome


Is there a way you would change our documentation that would have made it clearer to you? Looking particularly at our API and Tutorial pages, since longterm that’s where people will first learn?

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Loving this new feature!


It’d be great if there were some options for having the dragger automatically return to a certain position, with easing, so things can return to their original state regardless of what has happened


Yoooo, that’s very cool! Thanks, I’ll definitely check that out!
This whole update seems really exciting overall.

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The development behind this must have been exceptionally complex.

Roblox’s ability to push out good development features in the past few years has really skyrocketed.

Props to the team behind this unique tool!

I look forward to making an entire game around this system, that I previously considered simply hand-coding a system for. This simplifies my development process and effectively jumpstarts the concept.


Well, technically this line is sufficient

  • “Place a DragDetector under any part or model to make it draggable via all inputs (mouse, touch, gamepad, and VR), all without a single line of code.”

I did not expect it to work like that exactly, but it works exactly the same as a ClickDetector (or even ProximityPrompt), which is expected since it inherits from the ClickDetector instance class.

If you want to explain a little bit more though, you could rewrite it by saying:

  • “Place a DragDetector under any parts to make it draggable via all inputs (mouse, touch, gamepad and VR), all without a single mine of coude.”
  • “Place it under any model to do the same, but the whole model will be dragged.”

Or something similar but I still believe your original explanation was good enough, I just didn’t expect it to work loke so. I also discovered that ClickDetectors worked like that, which is my fault because I didn’t read its documentation before (as I was mainly using youtube videos as tutorials back then)


Haven’t even finished reading it yet and I can already think of 5+ uses for this! Brilliant feature!!


This is awesome!
Glad to see another W :+1:


This a big W for developers everywhere, can’t wait to see what the community makes with these!


Awesome, I can think of several uses off the top of my head.