Dragger QoL Improvements [Beta]

The tool is useful, but I am unable to use it to its full capacity because sometimes when dragging objects, it will place the objects down into where the blackness is seen. In other words, it gets moved to huge numbers as a position and when you press F to teleport to it you will see a black screen.

This would change the whole world of building in roblox studio

Is there a way to resize stuff and keep proportions?

Yes, the keyboard shortcut has just moved to Alt instead of Shift so that Shift can toggle snapping for all of the tools.

Oh ok, didn’t try it and thought alt was for something else (I’m not a native English person so sometimes I may do mistakes), thanks for the help!

I think this is related, because it came with this Beta (don’t know if someone already commented on it though, or if it was an intended change):

The scroll wheel used to change the speed of the camera if right click was held down, and move the camera if right click wasn’t held down. Now, the scroll wheel does nothing in either case.

Though having it change the camera speed while right click is held down was inconvenient/annoying (I’d personally prefer it the other way around), having to use the dragger below the view selector to change the camera speed is much more inconvenient.

Was this an intended change or a bug @tnavarts? And if it was intended, is there another more convenient way to change the camera speed now?

I wouldn’t expect that. Do you have the “New Studio Camera Controls” beta enabled?

Ah, yes, I forgot about that. I guess I enabled them at the same time so I forgot that they’re separate.
What you quoted definitely was the behavior up until today, at least for me.

Try playing with this setting:

Nice :ok_hand: Alt + Scroll sounds good.

Still nothing though, tried reinstalling Studio as well. Scrolling inside the viewport does nothing, but it works as expected in the command bar, explorer, etc. Also pressing the scroll wheel inside the viewport does pan as expected.

I think I’ve found a bug. When using the select (1) tool, snapping doesn’t work, regardless of if I’m holding SHIFT, while dragging anything on top of my baseplate.

This does work as intended if I place a part then drag something on top of it, though. I don’t know what’s different about the baseplate, as it’s also a part (locked, but unlocking it doesn’t fix the broken snapping).

I don’t think I’ll ever want to completely disable snapping to set intervals because of my…perfectionism, but SHIFT doesn’t disable soft-snapping. Will there be an option to pick between enabling/disabling interval and soft-snapping independently? The latter could be useful, but in most cases won’t be as handy as setting the studs between places I move objects to.

Other than this, the new tool versions are pretty nice!


There is an issue with soft snapping not toggling via the shift key; Toggling soft snap does not work for me when attempted.

There has also been unprecedented lag with soft snapping when using it with large-scaled developments. If there are hundreds of soft snapping spots for the object I’m moving across the map, it becomes very laggy when I try to move it. Even if the object is simple with a low number of tri’s.

Although soft snapping is great in certain cases, some object movements work more efficiently and sometimes a lot smoother when using zero stud increments and no snapping—such as nature placements like placing pebbles, working with small models, objects with tiny wedges, and outlines. The requirement to always hold the shift key becomes annoying when working with alot of these object movements.

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We’re going to add a cap on soft snaps.

There’s going to be a setting for whether it’s enabled at all which you can change depending on what you’re working on.

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Hey, great update but can you make it an option to disable/enable snapping to other objects? (when the white dot shows up)

I like it!!!

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This is all really interesting, and I’d love to try it out but my studio’s performance has been terrible. Even a baseplate is extremely laggy for no apparent reason.
I have taken a break from studio for a while, so I don’t know if it was this in particular or something earlier on, but it’s so choppy and anything I’ve done to try and resolve it has been fruitless.
For comparison, before, Studio could run flawlessly, even in larger scale maps, during tests, everything I needed it to.


I don’t like how the functionality for summoning handles was changed. Previously, pressing the tab key would summon the handles to wherever the cursor was, but now it only snaps to the edges. The old functionality made it really easy to move large parts (floors or baseplates) without having to zoom out.

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It appears the issues with performance have been resolved, for me at least.

They need to add an option or something to enable snapping on Terrain or else Terrain is hard to work with when building if you don’t want issues like this: (even though the pictorial example is not Terrain, it still shows what I’m trying to convey + this is taken from one of my really old games)

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I seem to be facing an issue with the dragger which involves objects/parts not aligning with existing parts. This involves them not rotating based on the face of the part. Not sure if this is known already , although cant seem to do any building due to it, :')