Dragger QoL Improvements [Beta]

Happy v600! This is AWESOME! I’d love to see this as a service so we can extract more functionality through plugins. Great work.


This is incredible,
Maybe not the best update but a huge update for sure !

But if possible,
can the Animator get a revamp ?
It is good but i think it needs some new features or some changes.

I would appreciate if it was possible to :

  • Be able to lock keyframes.

  • Animate multiple rigs for synchronized animations.

  • Have more possibilities for Keyframe transitions (tweening).

However i’m glad that it finally released, at least in BETA.

Thank you, Have a great day.


W Roblox for upgrading this massive piece of art


An actual great change and a huge improvement to building.


This actually helps me a ton, thank you for this update!!


i saw a leak of this a while ago and i am so excited

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Awesome!! This is probably the biggest update for builders, who work with small models!

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Happy v600 indeed, such a beautiful update… ^^


Wow that’s a cool feature! But how about being able to distinguish between minus and plus movement amount? When scripting, it has become more convenient to be able to see the numbers at once, whereas before, you had to manually count the numbers.
However, is there any other way than testing twice to determine whether cframe should be multiplied by a negative or positive number?


This update is great! These changes address some of the pain points for me with level designing in Studio. Very good job!


oh my god. I have no words. this is probably the best update ever for the studio. I will undoubtely use it right away! before I used to insert parts to help me align items (even a ruler), but this is a game changer!


damn let roblox cook man fr :fire: :speaking_head:


i almost had a heart attack when i couldnt ctrl + number to select a tool…is there a way to revert this?

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Awesome update will be very useful!

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Only the default has changed. You can still use keyboard shortcut customization to change it to whatever you want (what it was before or something else entirely).

You can find this in File → Advanced → Customize Shortcuts…

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We’ve gone back and forth on this. It actually started out showing negative numbers and we changed it to only positive. We hadn’t considered the angle of developers using this to grab numbers / determine orientation for scripting, we’ll take another look at it.

My immediate idea on this is that we could show a +X / -X or whatever in front of the textbox, that would also tell you the axis.


Even though it’s still Beta it’s incredibly fantastic, it would have helped me a lot a few years ago when I was learning how to work with Studio

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These new lines (screenshot 1) look way too similar to the click and drag selection box (screenshot 2). Is there any way to turn these off? I’m sure they’re useful for modelers, but as a scripter just trying to traverse the map they’re super annoying.


I assume it’s disturbing now but I prefer to use shift to snap correctly parts! Now you have to use alt to scale uniformly

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I already mentionned that ! It’s true it’s disturbing!

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