Dragger QoL Improvements [Beta]

man the only bad thing is not being able to uniformly scale something on all sides by holding shift

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See above, the “Scale Uniformly” shortcut has moved to Alt so that Shift means the same thing for all the draggers.

How do i turn grid snapping off, ion like it

I like this.

Especially the Snapping thing. Exactly what I asked for. Haven’t tested it yet.

I really like this update except for one thing; Please let us turn off those rulers. They are annoying! Yes, turning off the Show Hover Over setting does disable it, but I still want to be able to see the bounding box on hover without having to see the ruler.


is there any way i can revert this update? i can’t scale things with the Shift key anymore where the entire mesh or model moves with the mouse, it instead just scales in a single direction with whatever increment i have selected.

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The “Scale Uniformly” shortcut has moved to the Alt key.

If you want to disable the changes entirely you can disable them in the Beta Features menu, “Dragger QoL Improvements”

thanks man

The dragger broke when I was deleting some parts with the Move tool active:

The outline belongs to a part that I deleted. By making a different tool active and reactivating the Move tool, everything seemed to go back to normal.

EDIT: I also ran into a different bug as well. When I was deleting some parts one by one, the Move tool’s draggers didn’t go away after deleting one of the parts.

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Not sure if it’s related to this, but there’s a specific tunnel part inside of a curved tunnel that i’m trying to move around that makes Studio stop responding for a while when I try to move it. It might be related to the white dot & measurement things that appear.

As you guys know, Roblox has released Dragger Quol Improvements on beta. I’m going to provide pros, cons, and suggestions for this new fantastic beta feature.


  • The rotation is very cool
  • The keybinds are excellent!
  • The ruler needs work but has use cases.


  • Incomplete ruler on entire blocks
  • Sometimes the ruler doesn’t show dots
  • The ruler takes up too much of the screen.


Incomplete ruler
As you can see, the ruler is incomplete. It only extends toward half. However, this situation dismisses situations where users have 2 blocks they are trying to align!

Make the ruler only visible when in use
Currently, the ruler is always visible. Instead of it being mandatory, it should only show up when users are trying to align parts.

Snapping to the grid on aligned parts on the ruler
Fixing minor differences to snap to the grid when a user is trying to align a part to another part can be a huge time saver. This would make it so they share the same axis except for the one they are manipulating. Make sure to provide visual representation to show the objects are being alligned.

Ability to customize ruler appearance
Being able to edit the spacing, and dot appearance can add a layer of personalization to this feature. It can allow more flexibility in other use cases.

Additional things that would be SO helpful!

Thank you for reading my input on this new feature. I hope this was helpful and informative.

Indicating the datatype of values by hovering over them would be so helpful. For example, when you hover over over size it says udim2. It can currently be a hastle when you forget datatypes to have to look up documentation. This saves a lot of time!

Overall the update is welcoming, however we can toggle between being to just use 1, 2, 3 ,4 or command 1, command 2, etc, would be great :smiley:

More natural to use command / control and hold a key to use key binds

I’m loving the improvements this update so far! I was just wondering if there’s any plans for the future to let users remap keys like this one? Old habits are hard to break :sweat_smile:

Honestly loving the new changes, nothing to complain about

this is great and all but i realized that i cant use shift + 1/2/3/4 to change the mode im in anymore, i tried changing the keybinds back to that but it didnt work.

it just does this when i try.

I had this working fine. I’ll check out what’s up with that.

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Awesome update.
Nothing more to say :slight_smile:

Yeah, I also have this issue even with 2 parts. I did message one of the staff about it and they said they’re looking into it. I don’t have too much info on how to replicate it though.

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Pretty nice update you have here! New visuals are really good to look at, and you certainly cooked here! :fire:

However, one thing I don’t like about this update is how the part modes’ hotkeys (Scale, Rotate, Move etc.) no longer contain the ctrl key. I feel like it feels odd having to learn to just not press the ctrl key. I feel like it would be really nice if there is an option to add the ctrl in order to switch modes back, as I feel like it’s just better.

Pretty good update though, excited to see this being pushed into production! :sunglasses:

When rotating objects with control + r / control + t the rotations arent animated, which i assume isnt intentional.