Dragger QoL Improvements [Beta]

Do you suppose you could add a way to rebind the new buttons? Example: Make ‘uniform scaling’ Shift again and ALT to disable snap; or even just make them something entirely different? Some buttons are more convenient for me to press than others and I use some scale and movement options way more than others, and I am sure some people can relate to this.

If you attempt to scale a selection of bones part of the dragger ui stays forever even with other move tools

I hate it, it made my selecting and key shortcuts bugged.

Weirdly, from what I’ve noticed, grouping the parts together in a model makes it a lot smoother, but trying to move multiple ungrouped parts, even as few as 60-70 parts, is where performance noticeably declines.

I’ve had this issue happen too, though I was working entirely with parts/unions so I think it’s more likely generally related to the improved mesh/union compatibility than specifically plane meshes.

That’s not a bug, it’s intentional. You can change your keybinds back through File > Advanced, Customize Shortcuts.

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Hey today while I was dragging a model with the new dragger, it started to disappear of my studio. And in the world, the position of the model is VERY VERY VERY VERY FAR!


I don’t find the new controls appealing and I don’t find it easier to move parts around when I don’t have a popup menu everytime. I also don’t like that ruler. Essentially I want there to be a legacy transformation option in settings.

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I like this a lot. F3X has been stagnant for a long time now, but I still find myself using it whenever I need to physically set something up, since it’s so much more intuitive than the traditional movements. The removal of the ctrl element to the tool selection is nice, and the fact you can now rotate along another object’s axis is the exact thing I was itching to be able to do without F3X.

That said, I do think the visual elements might need some work, or at least customization options. I’d prefer to at least be able to toggle the position-on-face visualization effect (not sure exactly how to describe it, the small grey square outline that represents how far the cursor is from the hovered face’s corner). Just feels distracting at points and doesn’t serve as clear of a purpose especially when I’m just navigating around an environment.

The little help menu doesn’t do much to explain things, and at points is misleading (holding shift while moving shifts the checkbox for increment on/off, so if it’s already on, then the shift button does the opposite of what it says it does). In addition, the fact the menu is only visible while using the tool is a bit uncomfortable - not sure why I need to be holding down click while reading? I’d say some sort of alternative way of conveying this information would go a long way for helping users get used to the changes - ideally not just a link to the documentation.

All-in-all really promising in my eyes. Functionally great, just needs a bit of polish in UI elements.

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How do you disable this feature?

Edit: nvm i checked again in beta features and found it

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This is something I’ll need to get used to. o.O

Or I could just turn off the Beta setting.

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I notice that summoning the handles in scaling mode no longer puts them on the edge where the mouse is pointing at, rather at the nearest snapping node, is this a bug? Or am I missing a hotkey?

Also there’s no way to prevent surface snapping, I’m trying to scale something just above the surface of another part to prevent z-fighting. Is there a hotkey for this?

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This bug keeps happening when I move around detailed objects and sometimes the grid snapping doesn’t even work and it acts as if it’s disabled. I also had difficulty aligning a cylinder with a part. Disabling it for now, since it’s a little troublesome.

this is amazing! thank you roblox engineers. it gone be a lot easier to line stuff up now and make stuff even, equally spaced, etc

This is an awesome update… HOWEVER, the way the rotate with “R” or “T” works and actually moves the part depending where you have the mouse clicked is rather annoying why can’t it just rotate in place.

edit: I found holding ctrl makes it not animate and move, thats nice but wish I didn’t have to press 2 buttons, maybe if rotation animation was toggle-able it would be better

I got a spontaneous error while working on my game.

Are you kidding me?! This is awesome!

The mesh compatability is something i was waiting for, better animations along with better visualizations is perfect for me and while resizing it shows you the new size?!! I’ll finally have a pleasant experience building!

Perhaps more presonalization (settings and options) would be good, it could be a bit more perfected and optimized and then I would LOVE to see this being fully built in with studio.

I’m hoping to see updates like this and even better.

This update is pretty useful. Thanks! :slightly_smiling_face:

This is my this one of my favorite QoL updates on studio in the past couple of years, this makes building huge maps where perfection and measurement is key, MUCH easier! I love this update, so far no problems with it at all.

This is cool, there are some issues I have with it, though.

  • Holding Alt moves the draggers a lot more inconsistently now, & in objectively unintended ways at times.

  • Allignment can get weird when you are trying to work with increments, I think it forgets to snap itself on the other axis or something along those lines.

  • Can be excessive at times, there’s just a lot of stuff on the screen, sometimes more than necessary.

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The grid doesn’t work if you drag a part on top of terrain. Not sure if that is intentional