(DraggerFramework Beta) Massive Lag Spike When Grabbing Move Handle

Dragging an object with the move handles in a specific scenario causes a massive initial lag spike. Selection, grab dragging, scaling, and rotating do not have this issue. I took videos of the behavior and of the microprofiler. Restarting Studio fixed the issue.

My best understanding is that the lag occurs when the handle drag could result in the object colliding/phasing through lots of parts (in the example above, rebar and rebar ties). For example, I didn’t show this in the video, but if I lifted the large part above the rebar and then grabbed the handle to move it to the side, there would be no lag. Additionally, small parts do not lag because there is less surface area to make contact with many parts below.

Disabling CanQuery on all of the rebar and rebar tie parts resolved the lag completely.


I thought I was the only one experiencing this since the update. Dragging large models is painful with the Roblox dragged. I use the build fx3 plugin to move items now.

I also experienced this. It happened frequently with high poly meshes and high part count objects- even if that wasn’t what I grabbed (but most often when I did). I ended up disabling the dragger for that reason as well as the fact I ended up fighting with it quite often- call me old but it’s just not that intuitive and far too buggy to even be beta…

Thank you for making a report about this. I have been enduring this issue every time I need to modify or change any prop positions in my game. It has been quite problematic as I have to do several things in steps, rather than a single take.

It occurs with :

  • Objects with large part count
  • Objects with large triangle count
  • Objects with a decent amount of attachments
  • Multi-selecting objects

I am currently using F3X as the alternative until this is resolved.


Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when there’s any update on the issue.


Any update on this, still happening to this day, in some cases you have to wait a good 5/10 seconds for it to come back and actually let you move something, not really a QOL improvement imo if this is gonna make it to release :pensive:

Are you still experiencing this?

The soft snap limiting should have substantially improved things. I have an additional fix to ensure that there’s never any perf issues in these cases which hasn’t rolled out yet but the case you ran into in your video may already be resolved.

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This pretty much solved it! I opened this place file again and, although the freeze still briefly occurs to a lesser extent if the slab is close to all of the small parts, it’s far better and doesn’t occur at all if the drag starts far enough away from the parts.